Which nation is the largest per capita consumer of coal?

# Country Cubic Feet Per Capita
1 China 3,055.00
2 India 729.54
3 United States 2,263.27
4 Germany 3,132.70

What country is the largest consumer of coal?

As one of the largest consumers of coal in the world, China’s coal consumption has essentially doubled since 1998. In 1998 the nation consumed 28.3 exajoules.

Countries with the highest coal consumption worldwide in 2019 (in exajoules)

Consumption in exajoules

Where is highest consumption of coal in India?

As on 31 March 2019, Jharkhand and Odisha had the largest coal deposits of 25.88% and 24.76% respectively. The energy derived from coal in India is about twice that of the energy derived from oil, whereas worldwide, energy derived from coal is about 30% less than energy derived from oil.

Which country is rich in coal?

The largest consumer and importer of coal is China. China mines almost half the world’s coal, followed by India with about a tenth. Australia accounts for about a third of world coal exports followed by Indonesia and Russia.

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Which countries have the most coal?

The top five countries with the largest proven coal reserves

  • United States – 249 billion tonnes. …
  • Russia – 162 billion tonnes. …
  • Australia – 149 billion tonnes. …
  • China – 142 billion tonnes. …
  • India – 106 billion tonnes.

19 окт. 2020 г.

What is the biggest coal mine in the world?

The largest coal mine in the world by reserves is the North Antelope Rochelle coal mine in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming, US. The mine was estimated to contain more than 1.7 billion tonnes of recoverable coal as of December 2018.

Who is the biggest exporter of coal in the world?

Searchable List of All Coal Exporting Countries in 2019

Rank Exporter 2018-9
1. Australia -5.9%
2. Indonesia +4.1%
3. Russia -6.1%
4. United States -19.2%

Which is the oldest coal mine in India?

The Raniganj coalfield was first mined in 1774, and is the oldest coal mine in India. In 1973, the various privately-owned coal mines at Raniganj were nationalized, and put under the management of Eastern Coalfields Limited (a subsidiary of Coal India) in 1975.

Does Canada burn coal?

In Canada, 7.4% of electricity is generated with coal. … With the phasing out of coal-fired electricity by the Government of Canada, energy produced by coal will be eliminated by 2030. That said, coal will continue to be used for metallurgical processes.

Which coal is mostly found in India?

Bituminous is the most widely used coal. Bituminous type of coal is mostly found in India. It is mostly found in the states of Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.

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Does coal have a future?

While growth in coal investments is slowing and COVID-19-induced electricity demand reductions have cut coal-fired electricity output in 2020, coal use is unlikely to decline substantially in the medium term.

Which country has the cleanest coal?

Anthracite is found on the east coast in the US, South Africa, Australia, Western Canada, China and Russia. Two-thirds of Russia’s coal reserves are anthracite. Because of its efficiency and thus less carbon and sulphur usage per watt of power, anthracite is also the ‘cleanest’ coal in the world.

What is the cleanest coal?

The ranks of coal (from most to least carbon content) are as follows: anthracite, bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, and lignite. The coal with the highest carbon content is the best and cleanest type of coal to use.

Which state uses the most coal?

Which states produce the most coal?

  • Wyoming—276.9—39.2%
  • West Virginia—93.3—13.2%
  • Pennsylvania—50.1—7.1%
  • Illinois—45.9—6.5%
  • Kentucky—36.0—5.1%

Does Germany still use coal?

Germany – COAL

Germany’s largest source of domestic fossil fuel is coal, but its consumption decreased dramatically in 2019 and the first months of 2020. … While still extracting in two – now closed – mines 2.6 million tonnes in 2018, Germany now has to import all the hard coal it uses.

Is Australia the biggest exporter of coal?

Australia is the world’s biggest exporter of metallurgical coal, accounting for 55 per cent of the world’s supply in 2019 (with the United States in second, at 15 per cent). In 2019, Australia exported $41.2 billion worth of metallurgical coal, with most going to India.

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