Question: What has the strongest effect on climate?

On the surface, the greatest factor affecting Earth is sunlight. Sun provides energy for living organisms, and it drives our planet’s weather and climate by creating temperature gradients in the atmosphere and oceans.

What is the biggest cause of climate change?

Human activity is the main cause of climate change. People burn fossil fuels and convert land from forests to agriculture. … Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. It is called a greenhouse gas because it produces a “greenhouse effect”.

What are the 5 major factors that affect climate change?

LOWER is an acronym for 5 factors that affect climate.

  • Latitude. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator. …
  • Ocean currents. Certain ocean currents have different temperatures. …
  • Wind and air masses. Heated ground causes air to rise which results in lower air pressure. …
  • Elevation. …
  • Relief.
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What are the factors that affect climate?

Introduction: Climate is determined by the temperature and precipitation characteristics of a region over time. The temperature characteristics of a region are influenced by natural factors such as latitude, elevation, and the presence of ocean currents.

What three factors have the greatest effect on Earth’s climate?

Terms in this set (27)

  • the sun, the atmosphere, and the ocean. …
  • a warming of Earth’s atmosphere by greenhouse gases that trap reflected heat rather than allowing it to escape into space. …
  • carbon dioxide. …
  • weather occurs over hours and days and climate occurs over seasons and years.

What are the 10 causes of climate change?

The Top 10 Causes of Global Warming

  • Power Plants. Forty percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions stem from electricity production. …
  • Transportation. EPA reports state that thirty-three percent of U.S. emissions come from the transportation of people and goods.
  • Farming. …
  • Deforestation. …
  • Fertilizers. …
  • Oil Drilling. …
  • Natural Gas Drilling. …
  • Permafrost.

22 нояб. 2019 г.

What are 3 causes of climate change?

The main causes of climate change are:

  • Humanity’s increased use of fossil fuels – such as coal, oil and gas to generate electricity, run cars and other forms of transport, and power manufacturing and industry.
  • Deforestation – because living trees absorb and store carbon dioxide.

What are the six factors that affect climate?

There are six major natural climate factors: air masses and winds, latitude, ocean currents, elevation, relief, and bodies of water.

How we can reduce climate change?

Invest in energy-efficient appliances.

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That’s about the same amount as the annual carbon pollution coughed up by nearly 440 million cars. “Energy efficiency is the lowest-cost way to reduce emissions,” Haq says. When shopping for refrigerators, washing machines, and other appliances, look for the Energy Star label.

What are the major effects of climate change?

More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people’s livelihoods and communities. As climate change worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent or severe.

What are the 4 factors that cause climate?

3.1 Factors affecting climate

  • distance from the sea.
  • ocean currents.
  • direction of prevailing winds.
  • shape of the land (known as ‘relief’ or ‘topography’)
  • distance from the equator.
  • the El Niño phenomenon.

What are the negative impacts of climate change?

Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health impacts in cities due to heat, and flooding and erosion in coastal areas are additional concerns.

How does temperature affect climate?

Higher temperatures mean that heat waves are likely to happen more often and last longer, too. … Warmer temperatures can also lead to a chain reaction of other changes around the world. That’s because increasing air temperature also affects the oceans, weather patterns, snow and ice, and plants and animals.

Which greenhouse gas has the greatest effect on climate?

Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. It controls the Earth’s temperature.” It’s true that water vapor is the largest contributor to the Earth’s greenhouse effect. On average, it probably accounts for about 60% of the warming effect.

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Does Latitude Affect Climate?

Many factors influence the climate of a region. The most important factor is latitude because different latitudes receive different amounts of solar radiation. The maximum annual temperature of the Earth, showing a roughly gradual temperature gradient from the low to the high latitudes.

Where does the Earth get its energy?

Nearly all of the earth’s energy comes from the sun. Some of this radiant energy is reflected by water droplets and dust particles in the atmosphere and bounced back into space or scattered throughout the atmosphere; some is absorbed by clouds or ozone.

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