Best answer: Which city has the highest number of sugar factories in India?

Note: The largest number of sugar mills in India is the state of Maharashtra which has 195 mills.

Which is the largest sugar factory in India?

Khatauli’s Triveni Sugar Mill is the largest in Asia in terms of scale of production and storage capacity. The mill has been operational since 1933. Khatauli is a large, rural town and offers some tourist attractions.

Which state has highest production of sugar in India?

Uttar Pradesh is the highest sugarcane producing State in sub tropical zone having area about 22.77 Lakh ha with the production of 135.64 Million Ton cane whereas Haryana has highest productivity of sugarcane in Sub tropical zone.

Where is the sugar industries located in India?

Sugar Industry’s Location in India

Sugar industry is broadly distributed over two major areas of production- Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana and Punjab in the north and Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in the south.

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How many sugar factories are there in India?

India is the second largest producer of sugar in the world after Brazil and is also the largest consumer. Today Indian sugar industry’s annual output is worth approximately Rs. 80,000 crores. There are 732 installed sugar factories in the country as on 31.07.

Which is the first sugar mill in India?

the first sugar plant was set up at Saran in Bihar in 1904. Ahmednagar district had six joint stock sugar factories, three of them in Kopergaon Taluka. There was rampant exploitation of sugarcane farmers by owners of the joint stock companies.

Which sugar brand is best?

Best Sulphur-Free Sugar for Healthy Living

  1. Madhur Pure Sugar. Madhur Pure Sugar manufactures pure, sulphur-free sugar, that is packed hygienically in bags of various sizes. …
  2. 24 Mantra Organic Sulphurless Sugar. …
  3. Dhampure Speciality Green Breakfast Sulphurless Sugar. …
  4. Aaharved Organics Sugar. …
  5. Pure & Sure Organic Sugar.

Which is the second largest producer of sugarcane in India?

Complete answer :

India is in the second position in the world in sugarcane production and the largest sugarcane producing state of India is Uttar Pradesh.

Which state is first in production of sugar?

Uttar Pradesh has the largest area almost 50 per cent of the cane area in the country, followed by Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar, Haryana and Punjab. These nine are most important sugarcane producing states. Sugarcane production is also highest in U.P. followed by Maharashtra.

Which is the second largest sugar producing state in India?

Top Sugarcane producing states in India in 2017-18:

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S. NO. States % of All-India Production
1 Uttar Pradesh 46.60%
2 Maharashtra 21.84%
3 Karnataka 8.20%
4 Tamil Nadu 4.52%

Which type of industry is sugar mill?

Answer : An oil refinery and a sugar factory are categorised as secondary industries as their raw materials (crude oil and sugarcane) are processed into finished goods (oil and sugar).

What is sugar season in India?

The progressive year-on-year sugar production of the country during the 2020-21 sugar season till February 15 is higher by 23%, it said. “As on 15th February 2021, 208.89 lakh tonnes of sugar have been produced by the mills, as compared to 170.01 lakh tonnes produced on the corresponding date of last year.

When did sugar industry start in India?

The first modern sugar company was set up in 1903 by the British in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, with a few vacuum pan units. Till 1930s, the sugarcane produced was mainly diverted for the production of Gur and Khandsari sweeteners.

Which is the biggest sugar factory in Asia?

Nizam Sugar Factory also known as Nizam Deccan Sugars Limited (NDSL) is a sugar factory situated in Bodhan town of Nizamabad district, Telangana, India. The factory is located 25 kilometers from district headquarters, Nizamabad and is known for being the largest sugar factory in Asia.

Which state has largest sugar mills?

Note: The largest number of sugar mills in India is the state of Maharashtra which has 195 mills. Uttar Pradesh ranks second when it comes to sugar mills with 155 mills even though it has the largest cane area in India 50 percent.

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Which country is the largest producer of sugar?


(in mln metric tonnes, tel quel)
1 India India
2 Brazil EU-28
3 EU-28 China
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