Can you buy heart scales in Pokemon White?

Where can I get a heart scale in Pokemon White?

*To get Heart Scales here, you need to go into a house and a Girl will ask you to bring a Pokemon with a certain move that she will tell you. The house Is to the left of the Pokemon Center.

Can you buy heart scales?

Getting Heart Scales Through Pokemon Restaurants

When it comes to restaurants, you can order P500 at Seafolk Village to get a Heart Scale, P1040 at Konikoni City to get two Heart Scales, and P4000 at Malie City to get four Heart Scales.

Where can you get heart scales in soul silver?

There are many different ways to get a heart scale. Sunday for 2000 points. You can also somtimes find them using the dowsing machine. When you get a heart scale, go to blackthorn city and ask the fat guy to teach ancientpower to piloswine.

How do you get heart scales in Hgss?

You can get them from wild luvdisc (50% chance), rock smash, pickup, and pokeathalon dome on wed and sun. You can also get them from Beautiful Beach, Warm Beach, Stormy Beach, and Quiet Cave in the pokewalker.

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How do you get heart scales in Pokemon Platinum?

1 Answer

  1. Dig Underground.
  2. Use the Dowsing Machine Poketch App (usually near beaches, shallow water, and shoals)*
  3. Show the man at the Solaceon Newspaper the Pokemon he wants for the article, and he’ll give you one along with some random types of pokeballs (Timer, Dusk, etc.)

How do you get heart scales in Pokemon Emerald?

You can find them in the places RedShift listed (you may need to use the item finder) but also, sometimes wild Luvdisc hold heart scales so if you have the move Covet or Thief you can take them off wild Luvdisc during a battle.

How do you get unlimited heart scales in Oras?

Use the Super Rod on the Route 128, Ever Grande City, or Victory Road to battle wild Luvdisc who have a 50% chance of carrying a Heart Scale. While in battle, use a Pokemon that knows the move Thief to steal the Luvdisc’s Heart Scale! Keep fishing and using Thief to obtain an infinite supply of Heart Scales.

Where do you get heart scales in SM?

You get one Heart Scale for a P500 meal at Seafolk Village, two for a P1040 meal at Konikoni city and four Heart Scales for a P4000 meal at Maile city. You can also have a visitor. Haunted Houses at the Festival Plaza have a chance of giving you a Heart Scale.

Where do you get heart scales in Y?

To obtain Heart Scales in Pokemon X and Y you need the Old Rod from Ambrette Town in the Aquarium by the Magikarp Statue and TM46, Thief, from Cassius’s house in Camphrier Town. Use the Old Rod on the Route 8 – Muraille Coast to battle wild Luvdisc who have a 50% chance of carrying a Heart Scale.

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Where do I get heart scales USUM?

Heart Scales come from the Pokemon Luvdisc which has a 50% chance of carrying one, in the Hano Beach, in the Vast Poni Canyon that is sometimes dropped by ambush encounters from Pokemon, Fishing Spots in Routes 7,8 and 9, Paniola Town, Brooklet Hill and the Akala Outskirts, the restaurants of Konikoni City and Seafolk …

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