Best answer: Where does the biggest turtle live?

The leatherback turtle on display at National Museum Cardiff was washed ashore on Harlech beach, Gwynedd, in September 1988.

Which is the largest turtle?

The leatherback is the largest living sea turtle.

Weighing in at between 550 and 2,000 pounds with lengths of up to six feet, the leatherback is a big turtle! Leatherback sea turtles can be distinguished from other species of sea turtle by its lack of a hard shell or scales.

What’s the biggest sea turtle ever recorded?

The largest leatherback ever recorded was almost 10 feet (305 cm) from the tip of its beak to the tip of its tail and weighed in at 2,019 pounds (916 kg). Weight: 660 to 1,100 pounds (300 – 500 kg).

Are giant sea turtles real?

But these modern-day turtles pale in comparison to ancient sea turtles. … Archelon, a giant sea turtle that lived roughly 80 to 66 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period, grew to sizes roughly 13 feet in length and is one of the largest sea turtles ever to live on the planet.

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Where do leatherbacks live?

Leatherbacks occur in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They occupy U.S. waters in the West Pacific, East Pacific, and Northwest Atlantic. Pacific leatherback turtle nesting grounds are located in tropical latitudes in the eastern and western Pacific around the world.

What is the oldest turtle ever?

The oldest tortoise – indeed animal – in the world is believed to be Jonathan, an 187-year-old giant tortoise who lives in St Helena. “Any other tortoise lives between 70-80 years old, maximum 100,” Mr Skelton said.

Do sea turtles attack humans?

Nevertheless, they can only attack you if they need to protect themselves. Although sea turtles’ shells are quite hard, they are prone to attack if you get too close to them. These reptiles are quite curious animals. And sea turtles often get close to humans when they investigate their territory.

Can turtles live up to 500 years?

And these turtles have lifespans that perfectly match their 500- to 1,000-pound weights: giant tortoises in captivity have been known to live longer than 200 years, and there’s every reason to believe that testudines in the wild regularly hit the 300-year mark.

How long can a turtle live?

How Long Do Turtles Live?

Typical Lifespans of Popular Pet Turtles in Captivity
Map Turtle 15 to 25 years
Wood Turtle 40 to 55 years
Eastern Box Turtle 50+ years
Painted Turtle 25 to 30 years

How deep can turtles swim?

Their breath-holding abilities allow them to dive deep in the ocean to find food. Most turtles can dive to depths of up to 290 m (960 ft). However, one species of sea turtle—the leatherback—can dive over 1,000 m (3,000 ft)!

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How old is the oldest sea turtle?

The oldest sea turtle is said to be 400 years old. It is in captivity in the Guangzhou Aquarium in China and weighs 300 kilogra…

Are sea turtles aggressive?

Sea turtles are marine reptiles that belong to the superfamily Chelonioidea, which separates them from tortoises. 2. … Sea turtles are not aggressive unless they are in danger. However, becoming too close to them increases the risk of getting a painful bite.

What is the smallest turtle?

Bog Turtles do hold the distinction of being the smallest turtle in North America, with adults reaching carapace lengths of approximately 4.0–4.5 inches. Their small size and brightly colored orange blotching on the side of the neck has unfortunately made Bog Turtles a popular turtle in the pet trade.

How long does it take for a turtle to decompose?

Post-mortem studies provided very important findings using a surrogate species (red-eared slider). These findings indicate that turtles float to the surface as quickly as 16 to 32 hours and then begin to decompose very rapidly thereafter.

How big can a turtle get?


What do leatherbacks eat?

Leatherback: Leatherback turtles are often known as gelatinivores, meaning they only eat invertebrates such as jellyfish and sea squirts. Flatback: This species will eat everything from seaweed to shrimp and crabs.

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