Who has the hardest boot camp?

Here’s how is goes, USMC is the hardest, then Army, Coast guard, Air force/space force, then last but not least navy. Navy is last because when I was stationed on NAS Pensacola I found out that the navy has lower PT standards than the USAF. The navy is also the fattest branch.

Who has the hardest basic training in the military?

Army, Navy, and Marine Corps recruits used to call the Air Force the “chair force.” That’s because airmen did just six-and-a-half weeks of basic training, compared to eight in the Navy, nine in the Army, and 13 in the Marine Corps.

What is the hardest part of basic training?

Red phase is the starting phase and is typically considered the hardest part of training. The entire phase, which is 3 weeks long, is devoted to constant calisthenic exercise and you will be spending much of your time in the push-up position.

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Who is tougher Marines or Army?

It’s inarguable that across-the-board Marines are tougher than soldiers. It’s a vast generalization, but there are no metrics in which army soldiers stack up against Marines as a whole. … As a service, the United States Marine Corps prides itself on having higher standards than the other services.

What is the hardest Army basic training location?

Which is the toughest Army Basic Training location? Fort Benning, GA conducts Advanced Individual Training for the Army Infantry, which makes many think it also has the toughest Basic Training program.

What is the most dangerous military branch?

Here are 10 of the most dangerous:

  • Explosive ordnance disposal. …
  • Cavalry. …
  • Combat Engineers. …
  • Artillery. Photo: US Army. …
  • Medical. Photo: US Army Sgt. …
  • Vehicle transportation. Photo: US Army. …
  • Aviation. Photo: US Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Daniel McClinton. …
  • Artillery observers. Photo: US Air Force Staff Sgt.

Which military branch is the safest?

Safest Military Jobs

  • Army.
  • Marine Corps.
  • Navy.
  • Air Force.
  • Coast Guard.

How many hours of sleep do you get in basic training?

Most soldiers reported a reduction in sleep duration and quality since entering BCT, citing that they were used to sleeping an average of 8 to 9 hours at home, but averaged 5 to 6 hours per night in BCT.

How long do you get to shower in basic training?

You will shower every night (including the first night ) at Air Force Basic Military Training (AFBMT). For the first couple of weeks, your shower will be very short (about two minutes). You will learn to wash quickly, and not waste time.

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Can a drill sergeant hit you?

Except this is the new Army, an army that no longer allows drill sergeants to be cussing, ranting, abusive beasts. They cannot slap, hit, kick, punch or call privates names anymore.

Who are the toughest soldiers?

These are the Toughest Special Forces in the World

  1. British SAS. …
  2. Irish Army Ranger Wing. …
  3. French Special Forces. …
  4. Canadian JTF2. …
  5. French Commandos Marine. …
  6. Israeli Shayetet 13. …
  7. Russian Spetsnaz. …
  8. U.S. Navy Seals.

Are Marines equal to Army Rangers?

Army Rangers and Marines are similar positions in the U.S. military, with both requiring an ability to respond to variable special operations missions. These positions are elite fighting forces, and eligibility is limited to those able to endure rigorous, long-term training.

What is the easiest military branch?

“We had to crawl in the sand, be soldiers.” But airmen agree the Air Force probably has the easiest basic training. “I think it’s Marine Corps, Army, Navy and then Air Force,” said Tech.

Do you get Sundays off in basic training?

On Sundays, you’re usually not doing any type of actual training, but you’ll still have to look busy cleaning weapons and barracks. … Once you get to your job location, it’s usually Monday through Friday 9-5, (6am physical training). Weekends off.

Which bootcamp is the easiest?

Bootcamp is marines the hardest. Easiest probably air force or navy.

How long is Army boot camp?

Army Basic Combat Training (BCT) lasts nine weeks. This length of time doesn’t count time spent in reception, nor does it count the time spent for job training if you attend an OSUT (One-Station Unit Training) unit, which combines basic training and job training into one combined course.

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