What Pokémon uses confusion?

How I Became a Pokémon Card

Is confusion a good fast attack?

Confusion is a Psychic-type Quick move in Pokémon GO that deals 20 damage and generates 15 energy. It is strong against Fighting and Poison Pokémon and weak against Steel and Psychic Pokémon.

Is confusion or Psybeam better?

Psybeam is more powerful than Confusion and has an equal chance of confusing the victim. Confusion has 5 more PP, but 20 PP is still a lot and you’ll get more damage out of 20 Psybeams than 25 Confusions.

What Pokemon can learn Confuse Ray?

By Level Up

Vulpix Alolan Vulpix Zubat
Lapras Crobat Chinchou
Lanturn Natu Xatu
Umbreon Magby Shedinja
Sableye Lileep Duskull

How do you get out of confusion in Pokemon?

The only way to cure a Pokémon with confusion is to retreat it back to the bench or through a Trainer card. A Confused Pokémon can also snap out of confusion if it obtains a new Special Condition, like Asleep or Paralyzed, instead.

Is confusion or psycho cut better for Mewtwo?

Psycho Cut is faster and it can be more useful to Psychic type enemies like Mewtwo itself, while Confusion clearly does more damage.

Why is Psywave banned?

Right now, Psywave is banned because it has a chance of causing a desync depending on the level of the user. At level 100, the desync chance is 0,662% (1 out of 151).

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What is better psychic or confusion?

Confusion is a great thing to inflict on the enemy, but you can only expect it to happen about twice in your full complement of Psybeam PP. Meanwhile, Psychic has a 33% chance to lower the enemy’s Special.

How is confusion damage calculated?

Confusion damage is calculated as if it were a typeless physical move with a power of 40; it cannot score a critical hit, and does not receive STAB. Confusion damage is unaffected by Wonder Guard, Technician, and a held Life Orb.

Can Mewtwo learn Confuse Ray?

A sinister ray that confuses the foe. A sinister ray that confuses the target. The foe is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion. The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.

# 150
Pokémon Mewtwo
Egg Groups Undiscovered
Level Undiscovered

Can Confuse Ray hit normal types?

Yes. While normal types are immune to ghost type moves, non damaging moves that cause secondary status effects like confusion still have an effect on them.

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