What is the fastest mile run?

If you’re new to running, you might run one mile in closer to 12 to 15 minutes as you build up endurance. Elite marathon runners average a mile in around 4 to 5 minutes. The current world record for one mile is 3:43.13, set by Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco in 1999.

How fast can Bolt run a mile?

A mile is 1,609.34 meters, and if Bolt could keep up his Olympic pace — 9.8 seconds per hundred meters on Sunday — he’d be able to cover it in 2 minutes, 37.7 seconds. His world record 100-meter dash stands at 9.58 seconds, or 27.73 miles per hour, which would translate to a 2 minute, 9.8-second mile.

Is a 5 minute mile fast?

The average person can’t expect to run a 5-minute mile before having at least 2 years of consistent running and cardio under their belt. 15-30 miles per week would be the bare minimum. Most people who have achieved 5-minute miles are also those who run a 7+ miler at least once every 9 or 10 days.

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Is a 7 minute mile fast?

If you could do it in 13 or faster, you would get the maximum score. So 7 minutes for one mile means you are moderately fit. It is not a great time, but you are probably more fit than most your age. As another point of comparison, my mile time when I was 50 was around 6:20, and I don’t train that distance.

Is a 6 minute mile fast?

A 6-minute mile is kind of the unofficial threshold of fast endurance running. Casual runners are not likely to run a 6-minute mile on accident, but it’s an achievable – if not high – bar for an aspiring new runner who is training hard. … A 6-minute mile is kind of the unofficial threshold of fast endurance running.

Is a 3 minute mile possible?

Originally Answered: Will a human ever run a 3 minute mile? No. The world record in the mile has dropped from 3:59.4 in 1954 by Roger Bannister to about 3:45 in 60 years. The body is set up to run aerobically in distance events and then anaerobic metabolism takes over.

How fast should a 25 year old run a mile?

The average running speed per mile in a 5K (5-kilometer or 3.1-mile race) is below.

Average running speed per mile in a 5K.

Age Men (minutes per mile) Women (minutes per mile)
20–24 9:30 11:44
25–29 10:03 11:42
30–34 10:09 12:29
35–39 10:53 12:03

Is a 6 minute 30 second mile good?

To be honest, no, it isn’t good. You’re not even competitive at our age with a sub 5 mile, let alone a sub 6. If you wish to have a competitive time, and be fairly competitive, you’d have to go sub 5. In our region for track, to make it to the state meet, you’d need to run faster than 4:30.

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How fast in MPH is a 4 minute mile?

Running a mile in four minutes translates to a speed of 15 miles per hour (24 km/h).

Can anyone run a 4 minute mile?

Only 1,497 humans have ever broken the 4-minute mile — and I’m one of them. There are few events in the sport of track and field that people understand like the mile. Even people who know very little about track, know that it takes an extraordinary effort to break four minutes over the 1,609-metre race.

How fast should a 10 year old run a mile?

An average 10 year old would probably run an 11 min mile – which is not entirely accurate because many can run 10 or 9 minute miles. An 8 minute mile is fast for a 10-year-old, but again, it depends. As a 13-year-old boy, I have a mile time of 6:09.

How fast should a 13 year old run a mile?

The average mile time for a 13 year old boy in relatively good shape would probably be around 8:20–8:40.

Is a 7 minute mile good for a 14 year old?

Under 6 minutes would be excellent. … For girls, the average mile for a 13 year old is around 9-10 minutes Anything under 7 minutes is good and anything under 6 is exceptional. For guys, the average mile time for a 13 year old is around 8–9 minutes. Anything under 6:30 is good and anything under 5:30 is exceptional.

Is a 6 mile run good?

Running just six miles a week delivers more health benefits and minimizes the risks that come with longer sessions, according to a new meta-analysis in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

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How fast in MPH is a 6 minute mile?

The quick way to see how fast you run in km and miles

Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Hour Minutes Per Kilometers
9.50kph 5.90mph 6:19
9.60kph 5.97mph 6:15
9.70kph 6.03mph 6:11
9.80kph 6.09mph 6:07

Is a 6 minute mile good for a 12 year old?

Any time faster than 8:40 would be considered a good time, since it puts the boy in the top half of his age class. … The best mile time a 12-year-old boy could expect is six minutes, which would put him in the 100th percentile.

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