What happens if you have no Pokémon on your bench?

What happens when you have no Pokémon?

If you still don’t have any Basic Pokémon, repeat. Each time your opponent shuffles his or her hand back into his or her deck because there were no Basic Pokémon, you draw an extra card!

Do you have to have a Pokémon in your active spot?

It is mandatory to have an active Pokémon! This goes so far, that if you don’t have a basic Pokémon in your hand at the beginning of the game, you get a mulligan – show your cards to your opponent, put your hand back into the deck, shuffle and draw a new starting hand. The opponent may draw an extra card.

Can you add more Pokémon to your bench?

You can have no more than five Pokémon on your Bench at any time, so you can put a new Basic Pokémon card there only if your Bench has four or fewer Pokémon on it.

Can a Pokémon be asleep on the bench?

An Active Pokémon may only have Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed at once, and Burned and Poisoned can be used concurrently. and all Special Conditions are removed upon its return to the bench or upon the usage of a Trainer card that is able to remove Special Conditions.

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What if you run out of basic Pokémon?

If you still don’t have any Basic Pokémon, repeat. Each time your opponent shuffles their hand back into their deck because they had no Basic Pokémon, you may draw an extra card! Put up to 5 more Basic Pokémon face down on your Bench. … Both players flip their Active and Benched Pokémon face up and start the game!

Can you take Pokémon off your bench?

You can scoop up an active then move whichever benched Pokemon you want into the active.

Can you retreat a Pokémon with no energy?

You can attach any type of energy you want to the retreating Pokémon. If there are no * symbols, then that Pokémon doesn’t need any energy in order to retreat; it can retreat anytime for free!

Is there a hand limit in Pokémon?

There is no hand limit.

Can you evolve a Pokémon twice in one turn?

A Pokémon can’t evolve the same turn it’s played, and can only evolve once per turn. (Unless an item card like Rare Candy specifies otherwise.) Play any number of item cards. Play any number of trainer cards.

Can benched Pokémon use attacks?

Adam Wiemers. If an attack explicitly states that benched Pokémon take damage, then yes. When this occurs though, keep in mind that you do not apply weakness or resistance to benched Pokémon.

Can a Pokémon be poisoned and burned?

An Active Pokémon may only have Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed at once, and Burned and Poisoned can be used concurrently.

Can you retreat while asleep?

Asleep. If a Pokémon is Asleep, it cannot attack or retreat by itself. … After each turn, if a player’s Pokémon is Asleep, the player must flip a coin: if heads, the Asleep Pokémon “wakes up” and is no longer affected by the Special Condition. However, if the coin lands on tails, the Pokémon is still Asleep.

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