What is the second biggest meat eating dinosaur?

What is the second biggest carnivorous dinosaur?

More gigantic than Giganotosaurus

Spinosaurus was larger than both T. rex and Giganotosaurus, which was previously the largest carnivorous dinosaur known.

What meat did dinosaurs eat?

These dinosaurs’ teeth — long, sharp, and serrated — were designed for tearing through tough meat. The eating habits of individual species no doubt varies, but probably included fellow dinosaurs, lizards, insects, and early mammals.

What is bigger than a Trex?

Known as Spinosaurus, the colossal predator sported a massive finlike sail on its back and a 3-foot-long (0.9 meters) jaw full of jagged teeth. Bigger than both T. rex and Gigantosaurus, it lived in the swamps and rivers of North Africa during the Cretaceous Period, about 112 million to 97 million years ago.

Is Indominus rex bigger than T Rex?

Wu the leading geneticist behind the development of this new type of prehistoric animal, states that this dinosaur was designed to be “bigger than a T. rex. … In the film, it is believed to be around twelve metres long, a fraction smaller than an adult female Tyrannosaurus rex.

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What was the smartest dinosaur?

Troodon was a meat-eater the size of a man, with a brain as big as an avocado pit. It was not only the smartest dinosaur, but the smartest animal of dinosaur times, including our ancestors — the mammals of the Mesozoic Era.

What dinosaur can kill a Spinosaurus?

Bellowing in pain, the T. rex groaned out in agony as the Spinosaurus gripped his neck with it’s arms and snapped the rival dinosaur’s neck, killing him instantly.

Would a dinosaur eat a human?

rex surely would have been able to eat people. There are fossil bite marks, matching the teeth of T. rex, on the bones of Triceratops and duck-billed dinosaurs such as Edmontosaurus, which were both over 50 times heavier than an average person. But that doesn’t mean we would be hunted to extinction.

Were there any omnivorous dinosaurs?

Only a few of the known dinosaurs were omnivores (eating both plants and animals). Some examples of omnivores are Ornithomimus and Oviraptor, which ate plants, eggs, insects, etc.

Are dinosaurs still alive?

Other than birds, however, there is no scientific evidence that any dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, or Triceratops, are still alive. These, and all other non-avian dinosaurs became extinct at least 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

Can a Giganotosaurus kill a Spinosaurus?

The Spinosaurus leaps out of the way as 5 icicles fall. They hit the Giganotosaurus and kill it instantly.

Could a Spinosaurus really kill at Rex?

While this might be possible with a smaller organism, it’s unlikely that a Spinosaurus would be able to do that with a dinosaur as robust and muscular as a T. rex. Though the Spinosaurus had an impressive bite force of 2 tons, its teeth would have been too small and dull to grab hold of a T.

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Can a Giganotosaurus kill at Rex?

Giganotosaurus was one of, if not the longest predatory dinosaur in history, and has a reputation as a sauropod killer, but quite possibly couldn’t beat a T. rex. See, the Giga’s method of killing their gigantic prey was simply to gather in groups and bite chunks out of them until they either died or the Giga got full.

How did Indominus Rex die?

As it is about to kill the Indominus Rex, the Velociraptor “Blue” reappears and attacks it. This enables the Tyrannosaurus to re-engage in battle. As they push the I-Rex to the lagoon, the Mosasaurus bursts out of the water and drags the Indominus Rex to the bottom of the lagoon, killing it once and for all.

Is Indominus Rex a girl?

If you’ve seen Jurassic World, you know that the fearsome antagonist, a hybrid beast called Indominus Rex, is female. All the dinosaurs are female, we’re told in the Jurassic Park series of movies, to prevent breeding.

Does Indominus Rex have human DNA?

This won’t come as a surprise, but there are quite a few reasons to believe that the genetic cocktail which was used to create the Indominus Rex (yes, the huge scary white dinosaur in Jurassic World) contained some human DNA. The most obvious piece of evidence is the fact that the creature is hyper intelligent.

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