How many special Pokémon are there?

How many legendary and mythical Pokemon are there?

From Gen 1 all the way to Gen 8 (current) there are a total of 898 Pokémon and in total there are 59 legendary Pokémon (62 if you include Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres).

Are there more than 1 Legendary Pokemon?

In the anime there’s more than one of each legendary but in the games I think it varies. Mewtwo is a clone so there are most likely many Mewtwos. The Event where you can get Lv. 1 Sinnoh Legends means there is probably at least 2 of them since their levels vary from the ones normally obtained in D/P/Pt.

Is Ditto a failed Mew?

It’s been well established that Ditto and Mewtwo are both clones of Mew. Usually, Ditto is considered to be a failed attempt, while Mewtwo is what the scientist were aiming for, more or less.

What Pokemon is number 59?

Pokémon GO Pokédex: #51 – 100

Number Pokémon Type
#58 Growlithe Fire
#59 Arcanine Fire
#60 Poliwag Water
#61 Poliwhirl Water
See also  Should you keep all Pokemon in Pokemon Go?
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