Your question: What is the strongest force on earth?

The strong nuclear force, also called the strong nuclear interaction, is the strongest of the four fundamental forces of nature. It’s 6 thousand trillion trillion trillion (that’s 39 zeroes after 6!) times stronger than the force of gravity, according to the HyperPhysics website.

Which is the strongest force in the world?

The strongest of these is the strong nuclear force, which is 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force – the next strongest of the four forces. The strong nuclear force operates only within the nucleus of an atom and so is not experienced directly within everyday life.

Is gravity the strongest force on earth?

Actually, gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces. Ordered from strongest to weakest, the forces are 1) the strong nuclear force, 2) the electromagnetic force, 3) the weak nuclear force, and 4) gravity. … Because they both have mass, the two protons exert gravitational attraction on each other.

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What is the strongest force on earth love?

When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.

Is water the most powerful force?


When the wind whips up a dust storm that stings our eyes, its ability to move soil is very clear. But the most powerful erosive force on earth is not wind but water, which causes erosion in its solid form — ice-and as a liquid.

Who is number 1 army in the world?

In 2021, China had the largest armed forces in the world by active duty military personnel, with about 2.19 active soldiers. India, the United States, North Korea, and Russia rounded out the top five largest armies respectively, each with over one million active military personnel.

Which country has no army?

Andorra has no standing army but has signed treaties with Spain and France for its protection.

How weak is gravity?

Well it turns out that Gravity is the weakest of the 4 forces and it isn’t just a little bit weaker. It is weaker than you can even imagine! … The “weak” nuclear force is 10 to the 25th power stronger than Gravity. That’s 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times stronger!

What keeps the universe together?

Gravity is the force that all objects with mass exert upon one another, pulling the objects closer together. It causes a ball thrown into the air to fall to the earth, and the planets to orbit the sun. The tiny particles that make up matter, such as atoms and subatomic particles, also exert forces on one another.

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Where is gravity the strongest?

Mount Nevado Huascarán in Peru has the lowest gravitational acceleration, at 9.7639 m/s2, while the highest is at the surface of the Arctic Ocean, at 9.8337 m/s2. “Nevado was a bit surprising because it is about 1000 kilometres south of the equator,” says Hirt.

What is the most powerful energy in the universe?

Gamma-ray burst most energetic event in the Universe! A team of astronomers from the California Institute of Technology announced today that a recently detected cosmic gamma-ray burst was as bright as the rest of the universe, releasing a hundred times more energy than previously theorized.

What are the powers of love?

When we give ourselves permission to do what we love and be who we love to be, we become free to be our true selves. The beauty of this is that as we give ourselves permission to be our loving selves, we affect other people around us. Our energy radiates out into the world and affects others whether we know it or not.

Who said love is the most powerful force in the universe?

Nelson Rockefeller Quotes

Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love.

Is water stronger than fire?

Does Fire beat water? Fire is strong against earth, which is strong against water, which is strong against fire.

What is the most powerful erosion?

Ice- the MOST POWERFUL agent of erosion on Earth. The action of moving ice (by gravity) can move large chunks of rock. It is the fastest agent of erosion. The ice is in the form of GLACIERS.

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Which is stronger air or water?

Actually, water pressure is generally stronger than air pressure. … If air squirted in, then the air pressure would have to be higher. But since we know that the water would squirt out, we know that the water’s pressure must be stronger. Of course, this is under normal conditions.

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