How did humans survive in Pokemon?

How did humans come to Pokémon?

In their video, The Game Theorists point out that there are several myths located in the library which seem to suggest humans once originated from Pokémon. … In the forest, the Pokémon shed its hide to sleep as a human,” suggesting the Pokémon somehow evolved into a human form.

Where did humans come from in the Pokemon world?

There seems to be no human God in the Pokemon universe that supposedly created humans. It comes down to the fact that either Arceus created humans and they somehow lost powers and the concept of evolution along the way or the humans themselves came from outer space (which is very unlikely).

Did Pokémon use to be humans?

Some were created by the Pokémon god Arceus, some evolved into their new forms, and others were helpless humans who, through a horrible twist of fate, became Pokémon. … That’s right, some of those creatures you send out into battle were once human beings.

Do humans lay eggs in Pokémon?

Note the fact that there is even a human-like egg group for Pokemon that are humanoid in appearance. Obviously, humans are humanoid, and if they’re Pokemon, then they’d lay eggs and belong to this group.

Is Ash a human Pokémon?

But one Pokémon theory set forth by u/dgreborn on Reddit not only explains Ash, but also the rest of the humans in the show: that is, none of them are really humans, they’re just another type of Pokémon.

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What is the most human like Pokémon?

Considering its telekinetic abilities and capable of intelligent thought, it’s hard not to consider Mewtwo the most human-like pokémon in existence.

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