What is the second largest lake in Uganda?

Lake Mwitanzige, also Albert and formerly Lake Mobutu Sese Seko, is a lake located in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is Africa’s seventh-largest lake, as well as the second biggest of Uganda’s Great Lakes.

What are the 3 largest lakes in Africa?

These include the 3 largest lakes in Africa – Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi – as well as lakes Turkana, Albert, Edward, Kivu and several others. The lakes are important habitats for a number of fish and amphibian species, abundant birdlife and numerous crocodiles.

What is the longest lake in Uganda?

Lake Victoria
Basin countries Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda
Max. length 359 km (223 mi)
Max. width 337 km (209 mi)
Surface area 59,947 km2 (23,146 sq mi)

What is the name of the two largest lakes in Africa?

They include Lake Victoria, the second-largest fresh water lake in the world by area, Lake Tanganyika, the world’s second-largest freshwater lake by volume and depth, and Lake Malawi, the world’s eighth-largest fresh water lake by area.

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How does Lake Victoria look like?

Among the freshwater lakes of the world, it is exceeded in size only by Lake Superior in North America. It is an irregular quadrilateral in shape, and its shores, save on the west, are deeply indented. Its greatest length from north to south is 210 miles (337 km), its greatest breadth 150 miles (240 km).

Which is the deepest lake in Africa?

the deepest of all African lakes and the second deepest lake in the world; and.


Characteristics of Lake Tanganyika
Zambia 205 (11%)
Depth (m) mean maximum 570 1,470
Volume (km3) 18,880

Which is the longest lake in Africa?

Lake Tanganyika, second largest of the lakes of eastern Africa. It is the longest freshwater lake in the world (410 miles [660 km]) and the second deepest (4,710 feet [1,436 metres]) after Lake Baikal in Russia.

What is the deepest lake in Uganda?

Lake Bunyonyi
Max. length 25 km (16 mi)
Max. width 7 km (4.3 mi)
Surface area 46 km2 (18 sq mi)
Average depth 39 m (128 ft)

Which is the longest river in the world?


  • Nile: 4,132 miles.
  • Amazon: 4,000 miles.
  • Yangtze: 3,915 miles.

What is the deepest lake in the world?

Lake Baikal, in Siberia, holds the distinction of being both the deepest lake in the world and the largest freshwater lake, holding more than 20% of the unfrozen fresh water on the surface of Earth.

Which is the largest saltwater lake in Africa?

Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa, the largest tropical lake in the world, the second largest freshwater lake in the world, and the third largest lake in the world.

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Which is the most important river in Africa?

Hydroelectric power

The Congo River is the most powerful river in Africa. During the rainy season over 50,000 cubic metres (1,800,000 cu ft) of water per second flow into the Atlantic Ocean. Opportunities for the Congo River and its tributaries to generate hydropower are therefore enormous.

Which country has the most lakes in Africa?

African Countries With The Highest Number Of Lakes

Rank Country Number of Lakes
1 Uganda 69
2 Kenya 64
3 Cameroon 59
4 Tanzania 49

Why is Lake Victoria so dangerous?

According to fishermen at the lake, strong winds that lead to very high waves, thunderstorms and poor visibility are the biggest causes of accidents in the lake. … Lake Victoria is the second biggest freshwater lake in the world, the biggest in Africa and the chief reservoir for River Nile.

Why Lake Victoria is rising?

Lake Victoria’s waters are advancing. After months of rainfall, the great African lake has risen a meter since October. Although the rain is set to continue through August, the lake’s rise is also due to increased runoff caused by human activities around Lake Victoria and the rivers that feed it.

Are there sharks in Lake Victoria?

[Bull sharks can survive in both saltwater and freshwater, and have been known to frequent the lake. If that, or the movie Victoria, with its 2500 kilometres of coastline in a country that has 170 types of sharks, may feel like the ideal setting for a shark attack.

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