Can Mewtwo learn Shadow Ball with charged TM?

Can you tm Shadow Ball Mewtwo?

Shadow Ball was an original legacy move and Psystrike was an event move. Now for the overpowered part. With an Elite TM, you are able to have a Mewtwo that can now have access to both these Charge Moves.

Can I teach Mewtwo Shadow Ball?

It’s official: Mewtwo will only be able to learn Shadow Ball and Hyperbeam if caught before the 20th.

Which Pokemon is best for fast TM?

Best Elite Fast TM Pokemon Go

  • Dewgong – Ice Shard.
  • Zapdos – Thunder Shock.
  • Talonflame – Incinerate.
  • Shadow Tyranitar – Smack Down.
  • Lapras – Ice Shard.
  • Seaking – Poison Jab.
  • Gengar – Lick.
  • Pidgeot – Gust.

Can you TM Mewtwo for Psystrike?

The good news is that Mewtwo can still learn Psystrike, but the bad news is that it can only happen through using an Elite TM. Psystrike is known as a legacy move. This refers to an attack that a Pokemon once learned (usually through an event) but can no longer access.

Which is better Psystrike or Shadow Ball?

In Trainer Battles/PvP, Psystrike is identical to Shadow Ball. Given that Shadow Ball is one of the best attacks in PvP, Psystrike is clearly a powerful move as well. However, the deck is stacked against Psystrike Mewtwo. Given Mewtwo’s stats, it’s only viable in the Master League.

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What is an elite TM?

Elite Fast TMs and Elite Charged TMs allow you to choose a Fast or Charged Attack you’d like to teach to a Pokémon. Elite TMs also allow Pokémon to learn attacks previously available only during events such as Community Days or Raid Days. … Then select the move you would like your Pokémon to learn and tap “Teach Attack.”

How good is Shadow Ball Mewtwo?

Confusion + Shadow Ball is Mewtwo’s best neutral DPS and ideal against Ghosts. Psystrike makes Mewtwo the best Psychic attacker, standing far above all competition.

Should I purify Shadow Mewtwo?

Players should not purify Shadow Mewtwo. Though it’s likely tempting to instantly get a high-CP Mewtwo without much effort, Shadow Mewtwo’s damage output is significantly higher than a regular Mewtwo because of how the Shadow Pokemon mechanics work in the game.

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