What are all the ingredients in Pokemon Quest?

What is the 17th recipe in Pokemon Quest?

Pokemon Quest Recipes

# Name Ingredients
15 Hot Pot à la Cube 3x Mushroom and 1x Red Ingredients
16 Watt a Risotto à la Cube 4x Soft and 3x Yellow Ingredients
17 Get Swole Syrup à la Cube 3x Sweet and 2x Mushroom Ingredients
18 Ambrosia of Legends à la Cube 1x Mystical Ingredients

What are mineral ingredients in Pokemon Quest?

Pokémon Quest ingredients list

Ingredient Colour Characteristic
Fossil Gray Hard / Small / Mineral
Big Root Red Soft / Precious / Big / Plant
Icy Rock Blue Hard / Precious / Mineral
Honey Yellow Soft / Precious / Sweet

Is Ditto good in Pokemon Quest?

Naturally, Ditto is a free-form creature that takes on the shape of other Pokémon or objects when required. … Ditto’s abilities are Limber and Imposter, which is its hidden ability. Transform is considered as the best Ditto moveset while Struggle is one among Ditto’s best sets and Ditto’s best tactics.

What is the best team for Pokemon Quest?

6 Best Pokémon in ‘Pokémon Quest’ for the End-Game Team, With Recipes

  1. Dragonite.
  2. Rhydon. …
  3. Golem. …
  4. Alakazam. …
  5. Venusaur. The OG Grass starter might’ve been the least popular starter back in the day, but in Pokémon Quest, Bulbasaur is a solid choice first-thing. …
  6. Charizard. This one should come as no surprise. …
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Does Onix evolve in Pokemon Quest?

Evolution. Onix does not evolve.

What is the best place to get honey in Pokemon Quest?

Typically, expeditions like Miasma Moor and Pincushion Plain boast the highest odds for getting a Honey drop. Additionally, players can return to the Gloomy Grove expedition during the earlier stages of the game for possible Honey drops if they’ve yet to reach expeditions like Pincushion Plain and Miasma Moor.

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