Which country has the highest percentage of Internet users?

No. Country or area Percentage of national population
1 China 98
2 India 117
3 United States 13

Which country has the highest percentage of its population as Internet users?

Countries with the highest number of internet users 2019. As of December 2019, China was ranked first among the countries with the most internet users. China had 854 million internet users, more than double the amount of third-ranked United States with just over 313 million internet users.

Which country has least Internet users?

North Korea was ranked first with an internet penetration of virtually zero percent.

Countries with the lowest internet penetration rate as of January 2021.

Percentage of population using the internet

Which continent has the highest number of Internet users?

In 2020, East Asia accounted for 1.1 billion of the world’s internet users, followed by Southern Asia with 816.9 million.

Number of worldwide internet users in 2020, by region (in millions)

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Number of internet users in millions
Eastern Asia 1,102.05
Southern Asia 816.93

What percentage of the world has Internet access 2019?

Percentage of global population accessing the internet from 2005 to 2019, by market maturity

World Developed
2019 51.4% 86.7%
2018 49% 84.9%
2017 46.3% 81.9%
2016 43.9% 81%

Which country uses Google most?

Distribution of global online visitors to Google.com as of November 2018, by country

Percentage of visitors
United States 27%
India 8.7%
Japan 4.6%
China 3.6%

Which country use social media most?

China is the biggest social media market worldwide, ahead of second-ranked India with close to 350 million current social media users. Social network usage has been constantly undergoing double-digit growth which is projected to last until 2016 after which it will slow down to single-digit growth until 2017.

Which country has no Google?

“The block is indiscriminate as all Google services in all countries, encrypted or not, are now blocked in China. This blockage includes Google search, images, Gmail and almost all other products. In addition, the block covers Google Hong Kong, google.com, and all other country specific versions, e.g., Google Japan.

Which country has most Youtube users 2020?

The highest user base is reported in India totaling to over 225mn, followed by the USA with 197 mn users. Brazil takes the third place with 83mn users and Japan and Russia having 60mn and 58mn users respectively.

Which country uses Youtube the most?

Unique monthly users in millions
United States 167.4
Brazil 69.5
Russia 47.4
Japan 46.8
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Which country has highest mobile users?


Rankings Country or regions Population
World 7,621,018,958
1 China 1,420,050,000
2 India 1,375,245,994
3 Indonesia 237,556,363

Which country use Facebook most?

Leading countries based on Facebook audience size as of January 2021 (in millions)

Number of Facebook users in millions
India 320
United States 190
Indonesia 140
Brazil 130

How many Internet users are there in the world 2020?

One of the first internet usage statistics you need to know is how many people use the internet. As of the fourth quarter of 2020, there are 4.66 billion active internet users (Datareportal, 2020). That marks a 321 million year-over-year increase compared to 2019’s Q4 figures.

What is the Internet most used for?

Most popular online activities of adult internet users in the United States as of November 2019

Share of internet users
Using e-mail 90.3%
Watching video online 74.3%
Using online social networks 73.7%
Shopping, making reservations, or using other consumer services online 72.2%

How much of the world is online?

Did you know that there are around 3.010 billion internet users in this world and the estimated global internet penetration is 42% as compared to 84.2% in US.

How many users are there on social media?

3.96 billion people use social media worldwide, according to platform reports on the current number of active users. 58.11% of the world’s population is active on social media when looking at eligible audiences aged 13+ years, rising to 82% in North America.

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