Question: What Was The Largest Of The Nazi Death Camps?

According to

Belzec extermination camp

Chełmno extermination camp

Majdanek concentration camp

Sobibor extermination camp

Treblinka extermination camp

Auschwitz concentration camp

What were the largest concentration camps?

Concentration Camps

  • Auschwitz-Birkenau, Poland. The most famous and largest of all Nazi camps because of its size and the large number of lives lost within the walls of this death camp.
  • Belzec, Poland.
  • Bergen-Belsen, Germany.
  • Buchenwald, Germany.
  • Chelmno, Poland.
  • Dachau, Germany.
  • Flossenburg, Germany.
  • Gross-Rosen, Poland.

Which extermination camp killed the most?

Death toll

Camp Estimated deaths Operational
Auschwitz–Birkenau 1,100,000 May 1940 – January 1945
Treblinka 800,000 23 July 1942 – 19 October 1943
Bełżec 600,000 17 March 1942 – end of June 1943
Chełmno 320,000 8 December 1941 – March 1943, June 1944 – 18 January 1945

5 more rows

What were the names of the Nazi death camps?

Nazi concentration camps

  1. Auschwitz-Birkenau.
  2. Belzec.
  3. Bergen-Belsen.
  4. Buchenwald.
  5. Chelmno.
  6. Dachau.
  7. Ebensee.
  8. Flossenbürg.

How many death camps were there?

6 death camps

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia”

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