Quick Answer: Which lake is the oldest?

23,615.39 km3 (5,670 cu mi)

What is the world’s oldest lake?

Situated in south-east Siberia, the 3.15-million-ha Lake Baikal is the oldest (25 million years) and deepest (1,700 m) lake in the world. It contains 20% of the world’s total unfrozen freshwater reserve.

What is the second oldest lake in the world?

The Oldest Lakes in the World

Rank Lake Location
1 Lake Zaysan Kazakhstan
2 Lake Baikal Siberia
3 Lake Tanganyika East Africa
4 Caspian Sea Eurasia

What and where is the world’s oldest deepest and largest lake?

Lake Baikal, the world’s oldest and deepest freshwater lake, curves for nearly 400 miles through south-eastern Siberia, north of the Mongolian border. At its deepest point it is over 5,000 feet (1,637 meters) deep. It is the world’s largest freshwater lake in terms of volume.

Why is Lake Baikal so deep?

Lake Baikal is so deep because it is located in an active continental rift zone. The rift zone is widening at a rate of about 1 inch (2.5 cm) per year. As the rift grows wider, it also grows deeper through subsidence. So, Lake Baikal could grow wider and deeper in the future.

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Which country has most freshwater?

Total Renewable Internal Freshwater Resources

SN Country Total renewable water resources (km³)
1 Brazil 8,233
2 Canada 4,100
3 Russia 4,067
4 United States 3,069

Which country has the most lakes in the world?

Canada might be the second-largest country on Earth (after Russia) but experts agree it has the most natural lakes in the world and over half of the world’s lakes.

What is the coldest lake in the world?

The coldest lake in the world is the Lake Vida, a saline water lake situated in the Victoria valley in the Antarctic continent. It has the average temperature of -13 degrees Centigrade.

What is the largest fresh water body in the world?

Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world (by volume) and the world’s deepest lake.

What is the oldest lake in the US?

Clear Lake California is the oldest lake in the US.

Which is the deepest lake in Africa?

the deepest of all African lakes and the second deepest lake in the world; and.


Characteristics of Lake Tanganyika
Zambia 205 (11%)
Depth (m) mean maximum 570 1,470
Volume (km3) 18,880

What is the deepest lake in Canada?

Question: What is the deepest lake in Canada and how deep is it? Answer: The Great Slave Lake with a depth of 2,015 feet is the deepest lake in Canada, located in the east-central Fort Smith region, Northwest Territories, near the Alberta border.

What is the deepest lake in Colorado?

At 507 surface acres, Grand Lake is Colorado’s largest natural body of water, and with impressive depths that reach down almost 400 feet, it’s also the state’s deepest.

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Which is the most dangerous of the Great Lakes?

Lake Michigan is being called the “deadliest” of all the Great Lakes.

What is the scariest Lake?

These five deadly lakes were made so by natural processes, with just one exception.

  • Lake Karachay. Located in western Russia, Lake Karachay was a dump site for radioactive waste for decades. …
  • Boiling Lake. …
  • Lake Kivu. …
  • Horseshoe Lake. …
  • Lake Nyos.

What is the deadliest body of water?

8 Bodies of Water That Will Kill You

  1. Rio Tinto River, Spain. Probably anyone will think that something’s not right when a river has deep red water. …
  2. Boiling Lake, Dominica. …
  3. Lake Kivu, Africa. …
  4. Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia. …
  5. Lake Karachay, Russia. …
  6. Potomac River, USA. …
  7. The Blue Lagoon, Derbyshire, UK. …
  8. Jacob’s Well, Texas, USA.
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