Quick Answer: How do you make a Pokémon have a baby?

How do you get a Pichu egg?

You can hatch a Pichu from an egg by breeding a Pikachu with Ditto. To do so, you’ll obviously need a Pikachu first, which can be caught in either the Stoney Wilderness area (thunder and rain weather conditions) or Route 4 (all weather conditions).

Can you breed baby Pokémon with Ditto?

Just like the previous games, Dittos can be used to breed with Pokemon to give an egg. Pokemon with no gender or Pokemon with only one gender (such as Hitmonchan) can only breed baby Pokemon with Ditto. Dittos have been a match made in heaven for all Pokemon since breeding was introduced…

Is Hitmontop a baby Pokémon?

Pokémon Go’s Tyrogue is one of many new Baby Pokémon added as part of the game’s huge Gen 2 Johto update. Like Magby, Pichu, Smoochum and other Babies, it evolves into other established Pokémon – but instead of one linear evolution, there are a total of three available, one of which is a new Gen 2 type, Hitmontop.

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