Best answer: What is the biggest organ in the body?

The skin is the body’s largest organ.

What is the first largest organ in the body?

The largest solid internal organ is your liver. It weighs approximately 3–3.5 pounds or 1.36–1.59 kilograms and is about the size of a football. Your liver is located beneath your rib cage and lungs, in the upper right area of your abdomen.

Which is the second largest organ in human body?

The liver is considered to be the second-largest organ in the human body.

Why is liver the largest organ?

The liver is the largest solid organ and the largest gland in the human body. It carries out over 500 essential tasks. Classed as part of the digestive system, the roles of the liver include detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of chemicals that help digest food.

Which is the smallest organ in the human body?

What’s the smallest organ in the human body? You’ll find the pineal gland near the center of the brain, in a groove between the hemispheres. It’s not an organ like those in the abdominal cavity.

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Which is the largest bone in the human body?

The femur is one of the most researched bones in the human anatomy and forensic medicine. As the longest bone in the human body, it is well preserved in skeletal remains.

What’s more important heart or brain?

Many people would probably think it’s the heart, however, it’s the brain! While your heart is a vital organ, the brain (and the nervous system that attaches to the brain) make up the most critical organ system in the human body.

What is the strongest muscle in your body?

The strongest muscle based on its weight is the masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars. The uterus sits in the lower pelvic region.

What are the top 10 body organs?

Altogether, there are 10 large organs in the body, which include skin, liver, brain, lungs, heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas, thyroid and joints.

What are the 12 organs of the body?

Some of the easily recognisable internal organs and their associated functions are:

  • The brain. The brain is the control centre of the nervous system and is located within the skull. …
  • The lungs. …
  • The liver. …
  • The bladder. …
  • The kidneys. …
  • The heart. …
  • The stomach. …
  • The intestines.

14 нояб. 2018 г.

Can you live without a liver?

The liver performs essential, life-sustaining functions. While you can’t live without a liver completely, you can live with only part of one. Many people can function well with just under half of their liver. Your liver can also grow back to full size within a matter of months.

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Is the blood an organ?

Publisher Summary. This chapter reveals that blood, which constitutes approximately 8% of human body weight, is one of the largest organs and the main means of transport for the exchange of substances between the organs. Blood plays an important role in the defense and repair processes of the body.

How much do human organs weigh?

The Numbers

Organ Average Weight in Men (grams) Range in Women (grams)
Heart 365 174-590
Liver 1677 508-3081
Pancreas 144 60-250
Right lung 663 173-1700

What is the weakest bone in your body?

The weakest bone in your body would be the spine or spinal cord. But the smallest bone in the body is the stapes, one of the tiny three bones in the ear cavity responsible for hearing.

What body part is the most important?

The brain is arguably the most important organ in the human body.

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