Which country produces highest rice in the world?

Production in million metric tons
China 148.5
India 116.42
Indonesia 36.7
Bangladesh 34.91

Which country is No 1 in rice production?

Top 10 Rice Producing Countries

Rank Country Tonnes
1 China 206,507,400
2 India 157,200,000
3 Indonesia 70,846,465
4 Bangladesh 52,325,620

Which country is the largest producer of rice in the world?

China is the largest producer, accounting for 30% of the production, followed by India (24%), Bangladesh (7%), Indonesia (7%), Vietnam (5%) and Thailand (4%).

Where is 90% of the world’s rice grown?

Over 90 percent of the world’s rice is produced and consumed in the Asia-Pacific Region. With growing prosperity and urbanization, per capita rice consumption has started declining in the middle and high-income Asian countries like the Republic of Korea and Japan.

Which country has best rice?

Countries Producing the Best Quality Rice in the World

  • Best Rice Types: Basmati Rice. …
  • India. India is considered as the second biggest country that produces rice around the world. …
  • China. China is by far noted as the biggest country that produces rice around the world but India leads the business with producing top class basmati rice. …
  • Indonesia. …
  • Bangladesh. …
  • Japan.
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Who is largest exporter of rice?

Principal rice exporting countries worldwide 2018/2019. India had the highest export volume of rice worldwide, at 9.8 million metric tons as of 2018/2019. Thailand was the second largest rice exporter, with about 7.56 million metric tons of rice worldwide in that year.

What country grows the most food?

The 4 Top Food-Producing countries:

  1. China. China is the world’s biggest producer, importer, and consumer of food. …
  2. India. In terms of total calorie content, India is the second-largest food producer in the world. …
  3. The United States. …
  4. Brazil.

1 июл. 2020 г.

Which country is second largest producer of rice?


Cereal First Second
Rice, Paddy China India
Rye Germany Poland
Sorghum United States Nigeria
Triticale Poland Germany

Which country is known as country of rice?

It is said to be first cultivated in China. People mainly depended on agriculture for their living and rice is a labor intensive crop, and needs a lot of water. Asia has always been leading producer of rice and many countries have religious and cultural sentiments attached to it.

Is black rice from China Safe to Eat?

It’s worth noting that like brown rice, black rice will have higher arsenic levels than white if they’re grown in contaminated soils. To be safe, be sure to cook it with a higher water-to-rice ratio (arsenic is water soluble) and avoid rice grown in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and China.

Where is the rice capital of the world?

The Rice Capital of the World: Crowley, Louisiana.

What countries does rice grow in?

List of Countries by Rice Production

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Country Production (Tons) Acreage (Hectare)
China 211,090,813 30,449,860
India 158,756,871 42,964,980
Indonesia 77,297,509 14,275,211
Bangladesh 52,590,000 11,385,953

Which country produces the most bananas?

Bananas are predominantly produced in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The biggest producers are India, which produced 29 million tonnes per year on average between 2010 and 2017, and China at 11 million tonnes. Production in both countries mostly serves the domestic market.

Which is the most expensive rice?

Toyo Rice Corporation set a Guinness World Record in 2016 for the world’s most expensive rice with its $109 per kilogram Kinmemai rice.

What is the longest rice?

The variety of basmati rice was developed by Padma Shri awardee Devesh Mittal and his brother Aman Mittal. This variety of rice is known for its extraordinary kernel (grain) length, which can be as much as 8.4 millimetres (0.33 in) for a single grain, the longest-ever known released cultivar in the world.

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