Your question: Where was the world’s largest dinosaur fossil found?

Gigantic Fossil May Belong to Biggest Dinosaur Ever – Nerdist. Paleontologists have discovered the fossil remains of a “titanosaur” in Argentina, which they say may belong to the largest dinosaur ever.

Where was the biggest dinosaur fossil found?

Dinosaur fossils could belong to the world’s largest ever creature. Paleontologists discovered the fossilized remains of a 98 million-year-old titanosaur in Neuquén Province in Argentina’s northwest Patagonia.

Who found the biggest fossil?

Sue is the nickname given to FMNH PR 2081, which is one of the largest, most extensive, and best preserved Tyrannosaurus rex specimens ever found, at over 90 percent recovered by bulk.

Sue (dinosaur)

Catalog no. FMNH PR 2081
Date discovered August 12, 1990
Discovered by Susan Hendrickson

What’s the largest dinosaur species ever discovered?

By these measures, Argentinosaurus was the largest dinosaur, as well as the largest land animal, ever known.

Where was titanosaur found?

Fossils of oldest titanosaur discovered in Argentina

At about 140 million years old, fossils from a huge dinosaur dug up in Argentina might be the oldest titanosaur yet discovered, scientists announced this week in a new study.

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Who was the strongest dinosaur?

A: The strongest was probably the biggest, ultrasauros, who was six-stories high. Or, among meat-eaters, T. rex. Q: In the book The Biggest Dinosaurs by Michael Berenstain, it says that the seismosaurus, found in Mexico, might be larger than the ultrasaurus.

What is the longest dinosaur name?

The Longest Dinosaur Name

The dinosaur with the longest name was Micropachycephalosaurus meaning “tiny thick-headed lizard”. Its fossils have been found in China, and it was named in 1978 by the Chinese paleontologist Dong.

Are dinosaurs still alive?

Other than birds, however, there is no scientific evidence that any dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, or Triceratops, are still alive. These, and all other non-avian dinosaurs became extinct at least 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

Are Dinosaurs Real?

Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles that have lived on Earth for about 245 million years. In 1842, the English naturalist Sir Richard Owen coined the term Dinosauria, derived from the Greek deinos, meaning “fearfully great,” and sauros, meaning “lizard.” Dinosaur fossils have been found on all seven continents.

What is the smallest dinosaur in the world?

Answer: The smallest dinosaurs yet discovered are: A new, crow-sized theropod, Microraptor was recently found in China. It is about 16 inches (40 cm long) and may be an adult. Compsognathus, a theropod (meat-eater) 2 feet (60 cm) long, from 145 million years ago.

What is the largest creature to ever exist?

Far bigger than any dinosaur, the blue whale is the largest known animal to have ever lived. An adult blue whale can grow to a massive 30m long and weigh more than 180,000kg – that’s about the same as 40 elephants, 30 Tyrannosaurus Rex or 2,670 average-sized men.

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When was the last dinosaur found?

The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, which occurred approximately 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous, caused the extinction of all dinosaur groups except for the neornithine birds.

Is there a dinosaur bigger than argentinosaurus?

The biggest land creatures are believed to have been the dinosaurs—of them, the titanosaur (as their name suggests) is believed to be the largest. … The huge size of each suggests the dinosaur was a very large titanosaur—one that might be bigger than Argentinosaurus.

What was the first dinosaur?

For the past twenty years, Eoraptor has represented the beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs. This controversial little creature–found in the roughly 231-million-year-old rock of Argentina–has often been cited as the earliest known dinosaur.

What is the rarest fossil ever found?

rex fossils ever discovered, with most displayed in museums. It has been on display for years at the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research in Hill City, South Dakota. It is one of the most complete T. rex fossils ever found, with 188 bones, its head in pristine condition and over 11-inch long teeth.

What dinosaurs had 500 teeth?

Nigersaurus had a delicate skull and an extremely wide mouth lined with teeth especially adapted for browsing plants close to the ground. This bizarre, long-necked dinosaur is characterized by its unusually broad, straight-edged muzzle tipped with more than 500 replaceable teeth.

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