Question: Which Us State Has The Largest French Speaking Population?

The state is home to the largest French-speaking population in the country (Lewiston) and the largest concentration of people of French extraction (Madawaska).

The second largest state housing Franco-Americans is Louisiana.

Which US state has the most French speakers?

Today, French is the second most spoken language (after English) in the states of Maine and Vermont, and the third most spoken (after English and Spanish) in the states of Louisiana, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

What country has the largest French speaking population?

Unsurprisingly, France boasts the highest number of native French speakers, although its not the most populous country to have French as an official language: The Democratic Republic of Congo has a population of 77 million, compared to 62 million in France.

Where is the largest French population in the US?

The cities with the largest French American populations are in Maine. However, in northern Maine, they are of Acadian ancestry, and in southern Maine and northern New Hampshire, of Canadian ancestry.

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List of U.S. cities with large French American populations.

Name Percent French
Madawaska, Maine 75%
Frenchville, Maine 70%
Van Buren, Maine 65%
Fort Kent, Maine 63%

5 more rows

What are the largest French speaking cities?

The Largest Francophone Cities in the World

  • Yaounde, Cameroon (2.4 million)
  • Douala, Cameroon (2.4 million)
  • Dakar, Senegal (2.5 million)
  • Port-au-Prince, Haiti (2.5 million)
  • Montreal, Canada (3.8 million)
  • Abidjan, Ivory Coast (7.1 million)
  • Kinshasa, DRC (9.0 million)
  • Paris, France (12.2 million)

When did most French immigrants came to America?

The French resumed emigration to America in the 19th century. Many were political refugees fleeing from the failed 1848 revolution. In 1851 over 20,000 French immigrants arrived in the United States and the French newspaper, Le Republican, began to be published in New York.

Which city in Canada speaks the most French?

Outside Quebec, the largest French-speaking populations are found in New Brunswick (which is home to 3.1% of Canada’s Francophones) and Ontario (4.2%, residing primarily in the eastern and northeastern parts of the province and in Toronto and Ottawa).

What is the third largest French speaking city in the world?

Montréal is no longer number two and – here’s the thing – nor is Paris number one. Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo has now edged out the City of Lights as the world’s biggest French-speaking city.

Is Montreal the second largest French speaking city in the world?

The agglomeration Montreal is one of the most bilingual cities in Quebec and Canada, with over 59% of the population able to speak both English and French. Montreal is the second largest primarily French-speaking city in the world, after Paris.

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Will French become the most spoken language?

The latest projection is that French will be spoken by 750 million people by 2050. A study by investment bank Natixis even suggests that by that time, French could be the most-spoken language in the world, ahead of English and even Mandarin. But the point still stands: French is still a fast-growing, global language.

Where does the French language rank in the languages spoken in the United States?

Most US Native Speakers By Language

Rank Primary Language Spoken at Home in the US Number of speakers
2 Spanish 37,458,470
3 Chinese (incl. Cantonese, Mandarin, other Chinese languages) 2,896,766
4 French and French Creole 2,047,467
5 Tagalog 1,613,346

21 more rows

How many Canadians speak French?

7.2 million Canadians

Which US states were French?

The territory encompassed the modern-day states of Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, and Idaho. Named after the French King Louis XIV, its capital, New Orleans, at the mouth of the Mississippi River, was founded in 1718.

Why did the French want to colonize the Americas?

Spain colonized America because they were searching for gold and silver. France colonized North America because of the great amount of furs they found there. The French traded with the Indians for furs that they then took back and sold in Europe because people were willing to pay a lot of money for furs in Europe.

What did the French do in America?

Cartier was looking for a Northwest Passage through North America to Asia. He thought the St. Lawrence River might be the route. The French and Indian fur trade grew following the two voyages of Jacques Cartier. In 1603, the French trading company sent Samuel de Champlain to North America.

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How many French immigrated to America?

In total, approximately 740,000 immigrants from France have settled in the United States since 1820, and between 30,000 and 40,000 came earlier.

Is Vancouver French speaking?

After English and Chinese, the most common mother tongue languages spoken are Punjabi, German, Italian, French, Tagalog (Filipino) and Spanish. More than half of Vancouver’s school-age children have been raised speaking a language other than English.

Is French a dying language in Canada?

French Canadian language and culture is threatened even in Quebec, but not by French Canadians who aspire to be bilingual. Canadian French is dying, but bilingualism isn’t it’s killer.

Was Putin in the military?

On 30 September 2015, President Putin authorized Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War, following a formal request by the Syrian government for military help against rebel and jihadist groups.

Will the English language die out?

“One day English too, the last lingua franca to be of service to a multi-lingual world, will be laid down. Thereafter everyone will speak and write in whatever language they choose and will understand.” Half of the world’s languages are so endangered they will die out by the end of this century.

What is the fastest growing language in the United States?


What are the best languages to learn for the future?

If you need help to decide, here are some very good reasons to learn these 10 most important languages:

  1. English. More than 375 million people are native English speakers.
  2. Chinese/Mandarin. There is not a single language in the world with more native speakers than Chinese.
  3. Spanish.
  4. Japanese.
  5. German.
  6. Russian.
  7. French.
  8. Arabic.

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia”

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