Which is the number 1 state in India?

S. No. State Name Area (km2)
1 Rajasthan 342,239
2 Madhya Pradesh 308,245
3 Maharashtra 307,713
4 Uttar Pradesh 240,928

Which is the No 1 state in India?

Top 10 Largest States of India by Total Area

2011 Census
Rank State Density
1 Rajasthan 200
2 Madhya Pradesh 236
3 Maharashtra 365

Which is the best state in India 2020?

Kerala was adjudged the best-governed state in the country while Uttar Pradesh ended at the bottom in the large states category, according to the Public Affairs Index-2020 released by the Public Affairs Centre here on Friday.

Which one is the best state in India?

Kerala best governed state, Bihar, UP at bottom: PAC ranking

According to the Public Affairs Index-2020 released by the Public Affairs Centre in Bengaluru on Friday, Kerala was pronounced the best governed state in India while Uttar Pradesh ended at the bottom in the large states category.

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Which state is safest in India?

Kolkata is judged year after year to be the safest city in India for women to live. However, BJP central leaders are sending representatives to West Bengal to inform Bengal people to topple Mamata Government because the state and capital are not safe for woman.

Which is the smartest state in India?

Highest literacy (most eduacated) rate in India state wise

  • Kerala is the most literate state in India, with 96.2% literacy rate.
  • After Kerala, Delhi has the highest literacy rate in the country at 88.7%.
  • Whereas, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Bihar have the worst literacy rate, as per the report.

18 дек. 2020 г.

Which Indian state has highest crime rate?

The crime rate for murder across states reveals that Jharkhand had the highest murder rate of 4.3 per lakh population in 2019, almost twice the national rate. Assam, which recorded the highest violent crime rate had a murder rate of 3.6.

Which state has most beautiful girl in India?

Top 10 Cities with most Beautiful Women in India

  • Dehradun. Dehradun, the capital city of Uttarakhand is indeed one of the cities with most beautiful women in India. …
  • Srinagar. The women in Srinagar are exceptionally beautiful. …
  • Chandigarh. …
  • Guwahati. …
  • Lucknow. …
  • Bengaluru. …
  • Mumbai. …
  • Kolkata.

Which is the beautiful state in India?

Kerala. Referred to as ‘God’s Own Country’, Kerala is one of India’s prettiest states. It is home to some of the country’s most stunning beaches, including Kovalam, Muzhappilangad, Varakala and many more.

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Which state is healthiest in India?

Here are the top 10 healthiest states in India, according to Niti…

  • #1 Kerala: Niti Aayog ranked Kerala to be the healthiest state in India, in its recently published health index. …
  • #2 Andhra Pradesh: The government think-tank ranked Andhra Pradesh second in its health index. …
  • #3 Maharashtra: According to Niti Aayog, Maharashtra is the third-healthiest state in India.

26 июн. 2019 г.

Which is the beautiful city in India?

Jaipur is commonly known as the ‘Pink City’ due to its stunning buildings which were painted pink in 1876 to welcome the Prince of Wales and Queen Victoria. Jaipur is also the biggest city in the state of Rajasthan, and its capital.

Which is the beautiful district in India?

Idukki is one of the district of kerala state, India which lies in western ghats of kerala.

Which state is very famous in India?

Goa – Most Famous State in India.

Which state is unsafe for girl in India?

Rajasthan is the worst state for women with a staggering 295 per cent rise in the reported rape cases in the last 10 years. While the state reported 1,519 rape cases in 2009, it went up to 5,997 cases in 2019 – a four-time increase, NCRB data shows.

Which city is safe for girl in India?

Kolkata has been announced as the safest city in the country for women, as per the recently released data of the National Crime Record Board (NCRB).

Which is the unsafe city in India?

According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Mumbai is the most unsafe city in India for senior citizens. The NCRB data for 2018, released on Thursday, says the number of violent crimes in Mumbai rose from 5,431 in 2017 to 6,169 in 2018.

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