Quick Answer: Which Element In Group 1 Has The Highest Density?

First group elements are generally the largest.

Larger the size larger is the density because there is large increase in mass with considerable increases in volume.

Hence density increases down a group as size increase down the group.

Do Group 1 metals have a high density?

Alkali Metals have lower melting and boiling Points. All Group 1 elements have one electron in their outermost shell which is held very weakly by the nucleus.

Which element has the highest density?


Does density increase going down a group?

First group elements are generally the largest. Larger the size larger is the density because there is large increase in mass with considerable increases in volume. Hence density increases down a group as size increase down the group.

Which alkali metal has the highest density?


Element Melting point
Lithium, Li 180°C
Sodium, Na 98°C
Potassium, K 63°C
Rubidium, Rb 39°C

1 more row

Photo in the article by “President of Russia” http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/60795

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