Which country is the biggest beer drinkers?

For 26 years, Czech Republic has topped the list of beer consumption per capita, and its not even close, consuming over 80 liters per capita more than any other country.

Which country consumes the most alcohol 2020?

Belarus consumes the most alcohol in the world of 14.4 liters per person per year.

Which country drinks the most alcohol 2019?

Belarus had the world’s highest level of alcohol consumption, with 17.5 liters of alcohol consumed per capita. The country’s high level of consumption has had serious health consequences on its residents.

Which country has the best drinkers?

Luxembourg again captures the top spot with an average of more than 7 drinks per day among its male population. Portugal, Romania, Austria and France round out the top five.

What are the top ten beer consuming countries?

Beer Consumption by Country 2021

  • Czech Republic (143.3 liters)
  • Namibia (108 liters)
  • Austria (106 liters)
  • Germany (104.2 liters)
  • Poland (100.8 liters)
  • Ireland (98.2 liters)
  • Romania (94.1 liters)
  • Seychelles (90 liters)
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What race drinks the most alcohol?

Native Americans have the highest prevalence (12.1 percent) of heavy drinking (i.e., five or more drinks on the same occasion for 5 or more of the past 30 days; followed by Whites (8.3 percent) and Hispanics (6.1 percent).

Who are the heaviest drinkers in the world?

The former Soviet states in eastern Europe are among the world’s heaviest-drinking countries, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), which mapped the total alcohol consumption of people over the age of 15 in litres per capita across the globe.

Do Koreans drink a lot?

South Koreans drink 13.7 shots of liquor per week on average, which is the most in the world. … South Korea’s unparalleled liquor consumption is almost entirely due to the country’s love for a certain fermented rice spirit called Soju. The South Korean liquor accounts for 97% of the country’s spirits market.

What profession has the highest rate of alcoholism?

Surgeons have the highest standards of tobacco use, and female surgeons have the highest rates of alcohol abuse than other healthcare workers. Attorneys also have some of the highest rates of addiction than other professional industries.

What country drinks the most Coca Cola?

In 2019, Mexico was the country with the highest carbonated soft drink consumption, namely over 630 8-ounce servings per capita per year. The United States stood in second place, with almost the same quantity, while Brazil, which ranked third, consumed less than half the soft drinks Mexicans drank that year.

What is America’s national drink?

Bourbon (whiskey), named for Bourbon County, Kentucky, is a corn whiskey aged in charred oak barrels. It was proclaimed the U.S. National Spirit by an act of Congress in 1964.

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What country is known for vodka?

Regardless of when or where it originated, a liquor called vodka was present in Russia during the 14th century. The beverage was popular mainly in Russia, Poland, and the Balkan states until soon after World War II, when consumption began to increase rapidly in the United States and then in Europe.

What nationality is known for drinking?

Czech males took the top spot in binge drinking, and Czech females drank among the most alcohol per capita out of the countries reviewed. According to WHO data, Czechs prefer to drink beer over any other alcoholic beverage.

Which country drinks the most rum?

But one country’s consumption of rum jumps right off the chart: India drinks a massive amount of rum compared to the rest of the world—more than 400 million liters a year, or twice the consumption of United States in second place. Per capita the figures are not quite as impressive.

Who drinks the most wine?

The United States consumes the largest volume of wine of any country, at 33 million hectoliters in 2019. At 26.5 million hectoliters, France was the second leading consumer of wine worldwide.

Who invented beer first?

In Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq), early evidence of beer is a 3,900-year-old Sumerian poem honoring Ninkasi, the patron goddess of brewing, which contains the oldest surviving beer recipe, describing the production of beer from barley via bread.

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