What was the largest thing to ever live?

A member of the infraorder Cetacea, the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), is thought to be the largest animal ever to have lived. The maximum recorded weight was 190 tonnes for a specimen measuring 27.6 metres (91 ft), whereas longer ones, up to 33.6 metres (110 ft), have been recorded but not weighed.

What is the largest thing to ever live on earth?

Far bigger than any dinosaur, the blue whale is the largest known animal to have ever lived. An adult blue whale can grow to a massive 30m long and weigh more than 180,000kg – that’s about the same as 40 elephants, 30 Tyrannosaurus Rex or 2,670 average-sized men.

What is the biggest thing ever built?

Structure: Three Gorges Dam

It’s the biggest single structure humanity’s ever built and it’s been fraught with controversy since they first started talking about building it in the 1920s.

What Animals kill for fun?

Some of the animals which have been observed engaging in surplus killing include zooplankton, humans, damselfly naiads, predaceous mites, martens, weasels, honey badgers, jaguars, orcas, red foxes, leopards, lions, spotted hyenas, spiders, brown bears, american black bears, polar bears, coyotes, lynxes, minks, raccoons …

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What is the heaviest animal in the world?

The blue whale is the heaviest animal ever known to have existed.

Heaviest living animals.

Rank 1
Animal Blue whale
Average mass [tonnes] 110
Maximum mass [tonnes] 190
Average total length [m (ft)] 24 (79)

What is the most biggest thing in the universe?

List of the largest cosmic structures

Structure name (year discovered) Maximum dimension (in light-years) Notes
Virgo Supercluster 110,000,000 Part of the Laniakea Supercluster (see above). It also contains the Milky Way Galaxy, which contains the Solar System where the Earth orbits the Sun. Reported for reference

What is the biggest snake in the world?

The reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus) is the longest snake in the world, regularly reaching over 6.25 metres in length.

What animal kills most humans?


Source: CNET
Animal Humans killed per year
1 Mosquitoes 1,000,000
2 Humans (homicides only) 475,000
3 Snakes 50,000

Do cats enjoy killing?

Their natural instincts to hunt are still there, but they prefer the chase rather than the catch. They may see killing their prey as the end to a game that they wish to keep on playing. By releasing, re-catching and tossing around their prey they maximise the enjoyment they get from the catch.

What is the smallest deadliest animal?


Perhaps the smallest and the most deadly creature on this list, the common mosquito measures little more than three millimeters, but carries with it malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, Wst Nile virus, Zika virus, and numerous other lethal diseases.

What animal is the most dangerous?

The 10 most dangerous animals in the world

  • Cape buffalo. …
  • Cone snail. …
  • Golden poison dart frog. …
  • Box jellyfish. …
  • Pufferfish. …
  • Black mamba. …
  • Saltwater crocodile. …
  • Tsetse fly.
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