What is the longest river in the world today?

Rank River Length (km)
1. Nile–White Nile–Kagera–Nyabarongo–Mwogo–Rukarara 6,650 (7,088)
2. Amazon–Ucayali–Tambo–Ene–Mantaro 6,400 (6,992)
3. Yangtze–Jinsha–Tongtian–Dangqu (Chang Jiang) 6,300 (6,418)
4. Mississippi–Missouri–Jefferson–Beaverhead–Red Rock–Hell Roaring 6,275

Which is the longest river in the world answer?


  • Nile: 4,132 miles.
  • Amazon: 4,000 miles.
  • Yangtze: 3,915 miles.

What is the longest river 2020?

The Nile stretches 4,160 miles (6,695 kilometers). “Today, we can consider the Amazon the longest river in the world,” study author Guido Gelli, director of science at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, told London’s Telegraphnewspaper.

Is the Missouri or Mississippi River longer?

The Mississippi River is the second longest river in North America, flowing 2,350 miles from its source at Lake Itasca through the center of the continental United States to the Gulf of Mexico. The Missouri River, a tributary of the Mississippi River, is about 100 miles longer.

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Is the Mississippi River longer than the Nile?

The information in different sources is between parentheses. Nile River in Egypt.

List of rivers longer than 1000 km.

River Mississippi – Missouri
Length (km) 6,270 (6,420)
Length (miles) 3,896 (3,989)
Drainage area (km²) 2,980,000
Outflow Gulf of Mexico

What is the deepest river in the world?

From its tributaries to where it meets the Atlantic Ocean, the massive river includes rapids, wetlands, floodplains, lakes and swamps. In addition, the Congo River is the world’s deepest recorded river at 720 feet (220 meters) deep in parts — too deep for light to penetrate, The New York Times reported.

Which country has more rivers?

Russia (36 Rivers) Russia is the largest country in the world, so it seems apt that it also possess the most rivers over 600 miles in length. Arguably the most important is the Volga River, recognized as the cradle of Russian civilization and the location of Kazan and Volgograd, among other major cities.

Which longest river flows through Africa?

Nile River: Longest river in Africa ‘Blue Nile River Dam’ dey cause Egypt-Ethiopia kasala – Read wetin you need to know.

Which river has the most water?

The Amazon River is 3,980 miles (6,400 kilometers) long, according to the U.S. National Park Service. It is, however, the world’s largest river by volume and contains 20 percent of the Earth’s fresh water, according to the National Science Foundation.

What is the second widest river in the world?

Amazon River: Second longest and the largest by water flow

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Amazon River of South America is the second longest river in the world with a length of 6,400 km.

What is the deadliest river in the United States?

Kern River

Kern River Rio de San Felipe, La Porciuncula, Po-sun-co-la, Porsiuncula River
Length 164 mi (264 km)
Basin size 3,612 sq mi (9,360 km2)
• location Near Democrat Springs, CA

What is the deepest river in the United States?

The deepest river in the United States is the Hudson River, which reaches 200 feet deep at some points.

Who owns the Mississippi River?

The main stem is entirely within the United States; the total drainage basin is 1,151,000 sq mi (2,980,000 km2), of which only about one percent is in Canada. The Mississippi ranks as the fifteenth-largest river by discharge in the world.

Is the Amazon longer than the Mississippi?

Yet, if its longest tributary is taken into account—the Jefferson and Missouri rivers—the Mississippi becomes three times as long (though still not as long as either the Amazon or Nile). Such subjective definitions make it impossible to definitively judge whether the Amazon or Nile is the world’s longest river.

What is the difference between longest and largest river?

The River Nile is the longest river in the world.

Officially, the shortesr river is the D River, Oregan, USA, which is just 37 metres long. The biggest river in the world, measured by the amount of water that flows down it, is the Amazon.

What are the 5 major rivers in the world?

In this lesson, we’ll look at five of the most important rivers of the world, the Mississippi, Amazon, Nile, Mekong, and Ganges.

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