What is the longest German word?

At 80 letters, the longest word ever composed in German is “Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft,” meaning, the “Association for Subordinate Officials of the Head Office Management of the Danube Steamboat Electrical Services.” But it’s a coinage of strung together more for …

What is the longest word in the world that takes 3 hours to say?


All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chemical names is that there’s essentially no limit to how long they can be.

What is the longest word in the whole entire universe?


It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis. Despite being in the dictionary, the word was originally made up by the president of the National Puzzlers’ league.

What is the longest word in all the languages?

The World’s Longest Technical Word

As we saw at the start of our hunt, the longest word according to a lot of sources is the technical name for the protein titin. It is the same across all languages, and has nearly 200,000 letters.

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How many letters are in Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl isoleucine?

Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl… isoleucine (189819 letters, ?

What is the shortest word?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

What is titin full name?

So what’s the word? Wikipedia’s says that it’s “Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl … isoleucine” (ellipses necessary), which is the “chemical name of titin, the largest known protein.” Also, there’s some dispute about whether this is really a word.

What is the longest curse word?

Try ‘n top me. (If any person, group, club etc.

Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a real word in the dictionary?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as “a nonsense word, originally used esp. by children, and typically expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous”, while Dictionary.com says it is “used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.”

Is there a word without a vowel?

Words with no vowels

Cwm and crwth do not contain the letters a, e, i, o, u, or y, the usual vowels (that is, the usual symbols that stand for vowel sounds) in English. … Shh, psst, and hmm do not have vowels, either vowel symbols or vowel sounds. There is some controversy whether they are in fact “words,” however.

What is the hardest word to say?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.
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26 окт. 2018 г.

What are the D words?

Explore the Words

  • dally. waste time. …
  • dapper. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners. …
  • dauntless. invulnerable to fear or intimidation. …
  • dawdle. take one’s time; proceed slowly. …
  • dearth. an insufficient quantity or number. …
  • debacle. a sudden and complete disaster. …
  • debilitate. make weak. …
  • debunk. expose while ridiculing.

How do you pronounce the longest word in history?

Start by saying “pneumono” as “new-moh-no.” Remember that the letter P in “pneumono” is silent when you read it out loud. Articulate each syllable of the root so you can sound it out completely. You may also use the “mah” sound in place of “moh” depending on how you want to pronounce the word.

What’s a big word?

: a difficult word used to try to impress someone You don’t need to use big words to make your point.

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