What is the largest sea predator?

The Killer Whale, otherwise known as an Orca, is one of the biggest and most powerful predators on the planet. They are an apex predator, which means they are on the top of the food chain, preying on animals like seals and dolphins.

What is the biggest sea predator ever?

In addition to being the world’s largest fish, megalodon may have been the largest marine predator that has ever lived. (Basilosaurids and pliosaurs may have been just as large.) Megalodon was an apex predator, or top carnivore, in the marine environments it inhabited (see also keystone species).

What is the largest carnivore in the ocean?

Biggest Ocean Carnivore | Sperm Whale. The winner of the title of the Largest Ocean Carnivore goes to the Sperm whale – the largest of the toothed whale species in the world.

What is the biggest animal that lives in the sea?

#1—Blue Whale

Not only is the blue whale the largest animal to live on the Earth today, they are also the largest animal to have ever existed on Earth. A blue whale can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh upwards of 200 tons.

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What animal would kill a Megalodon?

Pliosaurus, mosasaurus, livyatan, Carcharocles chubutensis, other Megalodon, and Tylosaurus could also win.

What is the most dangerous predator ever?

Of all the species in the world, the largest—and most dangerous—is the saltwater crocodile. These ferocious killers can grow up to 23 feet in length, weigh more than a ton, and are known to kill hundreds each year, with crocodiles as a whole responsible for more human fatalities annually than sharks.

What animal has no predator?

Animals with no natural predators are called apex predators, because they sit at the top (or apex) of the food chain. The list is indefinite, but it includes lions, grizzly bears, crocodiles, giant constrictor snakes, wolves, sharks, electric eels, giant jellyfish, killer whales, polar bears, and — arguably — humans.

What is the most dangerous animal in the ocean?

The Most Dangerous Ocean Creatures

  • Box Jellyfish. A Box Jellyfish, seen from the safety of tempered aquarium glass. …
  • Blue-Ringed Octopus. A Blue-Ringed Octopus in Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia. …
  • Stingrays. …
  • Beaked Sea Snake. …
  • Crocodiles. …
  • Great White Shark.

20 янв. 2019 г.

What is the weakest animal in the ocean?

Blue Whale – By pure brute strength the Blue Whale is the strongest animal in the world. Its size is amazing and a flick of its tail can send a boat flying through the air. Physically speaking we are the weakest species of all.

What is the strongest animal in the world?

Top 10 Strongest Animals

  1. Dung Beetle. A dung beetle is not only the world’s strongest insect but also the strongest animal on the planet compared to body weight.
  2. Rhinoceros Beetle. Rhinoceros Beetles can lift something 850 times their own weight. …
  3. Leafcutter ant. …
  4. Gorilla. …
  5. Eagle. …
  6. Tiger. …
  7. Musk Ox. …
  8. Elephant. …
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Is Blue Whale bigger than Megalodon?

When it comes to size, the blue whale dwarfs even the largest megalodon estimates. It’s believed blue whales can reach a maximum length of 110 feet (34 meters) and weigh up to 200 tons (400,000 pounds!).

What are the 5 largest animals in the world?

Top 10 Biggest Animals

  1. Blue Whale. The Blue whale is the largest animal of all time, reaching a weight of about 198 US tons (180 tonnes) and a length of 98 ft (30 m).
  2. Colossal Squid. …
  3. African Elephant. …
  4. Giraffe. …
  5. Brown Bear. …
  6. Whale Shark. …
  7. Saltwater Crocodile. …
  8. Ostrich. …

What whale killed the Megalodon?

Competition from other predators of marine mammals, such as macropredatory sperm whales which appeared in the Miocene, and killer whales and great white sharks in the Pliocene, may have also contributed to the decline and extinction of megalodon.

Who would win a megalodon or a killer whale?

While one on one a megalodon is completely superior to an orca, the orca pod hunts and fights on cooperation. The orcas will simply ram the megalodon on gills and circulate around it on three dimensions. Orcas are far more agile than megalodons, and the fish needs to concentrate on several enemies at one time.

What did a megalodon look like?

Most reconstructions show megalodon looking like an enormous great white shark. … megalodon likely had a much shorter nose, or rostrum, when compared with the great white, with a flatter, almost squashed jaw. Like the blue shark, it also had extra-long pectoral fins to support its weight and size.

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