Question: What Is The 3rd Biggest Fish?

According to Wikipedia

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Whale shark

Basking shark

Great white shark

Tiger shark

Giant oceanic manta ray

Ocean sunfish


What is the third biggest fish in the world?

The tiger shark, one of the ocean’s largest fish species.

  • Whale shark. The Rhincodon typus, which can grow up to 41.5 ft and weigh as much as 21.5 tons, is the biggest fish species living today.
  • Basking shark.
  • Great white shark.
  • Tiger shark.
  • Giant oceanic manta ray.
  • Ocean sunfish.
  • Sharptail mola.
  • Hoodwinker sunfish.

What is the biggest fish that ever lived?


What is the biggest fish in the world besides a shark?

The biggest fish in the ocean is the Rhincodon typus or whale shark. Despite their tremendous size and intimidating appearance, whale sharks are commonly docile and approachable.

What is the biggest freshwater fish in the world?

The beluga sturgeon in Russia is the largest freshwater fish in the world. The white sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in North America. White sturgeon have been reported to reach lengths of 15-20 feet and weights of nearly one ton. The second largest freshwater fish in North America is the alligator gar.

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What is the fastest fish?

Not all experts agree, but at top speeds of nearly 70 mph, the sailfish is widely considered the fastest fish in the ocean. Clocked at speeds in excess of 68 mph , some experts consider the sailfish the fastest fish in the world ocean.

Are dolphins faster than sharks?

Dolphins also have the advantage of speed as they can swim faster than most shark species. Of course, the biggest advantage dolphins have over sharks is intelligence, especially through echolocation (when dolphins send sound waves through the ocean).

Is Leedsichthys real?

Leedsichthys. Leedsichthys is a giant member of the Pachycormidae, an extinct group of Mesozoic ray-finned fish that lived in the oceans of the Middle Jurassic period. The first remains of Leedsichthys were identified in the nineteenth century.

What shark is bigger than a whale?

Sharks come in all sizes. The largest is the whale shark, which has been known to get as large as 18 meters (60 feet). The smallest fits in your hand. And the great white shark is somewhere in the middle.

What fish is bigger than a whale?

This ancient fish was bigger than a whale shark—and faster than scientists ever imagined. Scientists have long struggled to explain why bony fishes are so small: The heaviest—the ocean sunfish—is just 2.3 metric tons, but cartilaginous fishes like whale sharks can weigh up to 34 metric tons.

Which is the dangerous fish in the world?

Top 10 Most Dangerous Fish In The World

  1. The Puffer Fish. The puffer, also called a swellfish or blowfish, is famous for its ability to inflate when disturbed or threatened.
  2. The Red Lionfish.
  3. The Great White Shark.
  4. The Moray Eel.
  5. The Tigerfish.
  6. Stonefish.
  7. Electric Eel.
  8. The Box Jellyfish.

What is the heaviest fish?

The largest living cartilaginous fish, of the order Orectolobiformes, is the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), of the world’s tropical oceans. It is also the largest living animal that is not a cetacean and, like the largest whales, it is a docile creature that filter-feeds on tiny plankton.

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Which is the largest living fish in the ocean blue whale great white shark killer whale whale shark?

The whale shark (Rhinodon typus) earns the name “whale” solely because of its size. Just as the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest living mammal*, the whale shark is the largest species of any fish, known to reach more than 40 feet in length.

Which is the biggest carnivorous fish?

The world’s largest fish is the whale shark, which can grow to 40 feet long and weigh an average of 20 tons. The sharks are carnivorous, but they aren’t likely to take a nibble out of an unwary surfer – they filter plankton through their enormous mouths while swimming at the surface.

What is the biggest fish in the Mississippi River?

The Mississippi River is home to one of the largest species of freshwater fish in the state, blue catfish. In fact, the 95-pound state record blue cat was caught in the Mississippi River, and in Louisiana it has produced three blue cats in excess of 100 pounds including the state record of 114 pounds.

What is the biggest living freshwater fish?

The largest freshwater fish in the world is the beluga sturgeon of Russia, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. These giants can grow to 15 feet long (4.5 meters) and weigh 2,500 pounds (1,133 kg), according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

What’s the biggest blue marlin ever caught?

A Pacific blue weighing 1,805 pounds (819 kg) caught in 1970 by a party of anglers fishing out of Oahu, Hawaii, aboard the charter boat Coreene C skippered by Capt. Cornelius Choy (this fish often referred to as ‘Choy’s Monster’) still stands as the largest marlin caught on rod and reel.

How long do mahi mahi live?

They are a relatively short lived species, with a life span of only four or five years. Mahi-mahi are among the fastest growing fish, with a minimum population doubling time under 15 months. This makes them resilient to fishing pressure. However, their current vulnerability is moderate to high.

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What is the fastest living creature on earth?

peregrine falcon

Can dolphin kill a shark?

Contrary to Flipper stereotypes, dolphins are far from innocent. But Heithaus says they pick their battles with care. “We do know that dolphins will attack and kill small sharks,” he says, adding that they will also kill other large fish and small porpoises that pose no immediate threat.

Do dolphins protect humans from sharks?

Dolphins sometimes repeatedly ram sharks to kill them or drive them away, but are rarely aggressive towards humans, even when provoked. In fact, dolphins are known to form protective rings around swimmers and surfers to guard them from sharks.

Are sharks afraid of dolphins?

Sharks have a taste for anything smaller than themselves, which includes vulnerable baby dolphins. When a shark chooses to attach a baby dolphin, they also choose to be attacked by a pod of angry dolphins.

Was anything ever bigger than a blue whale?

A blue whale is the largest animal ever known to exist on Earth. It might not seem like it, but we live in a world full of giants. Blue whales are the largest animal ever to move across the planet, with the biggest measuring in at over 100 feet long and weighing hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Is a blue whale bigger than dinosaurs?

Now paleontologists have announced a species proposed to be most massive dinosaur ever discovered: an enormous herbivore estimated at over 120 feet long and weighing over 70 tons—or longer than a blue whale and heavier than a dozen African elephants.

Has there ever been anything bigger than a blue whale?

Most of Earth’s surface is ocean, and it is there that the true giants are found. As the biggest animal ever to have lived, the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) seemingly obliterates any other animal’s chances at the length title. Even a new-born blue whale is longer than a giant reticulated python.

Photo in the article by “Flickr”

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