Quick Answer: Why is the Spinosaurus the deadliest dinosaur?

Special structures in its snout helped it detect pressure waves caused by prey moving in the water. Nevertheless, Spinosaurus was fast, strong and possessed a cruel set of claws, meaning it could likely hold its own against other massive predators, like Carcharodontosaurus, who shared its territory.

Is Spinosaurus the deadliest dinosaur?

Meet the Spinosaurus, the most dangerous dinosaur to walk — or swim — the Earth.

Could a Spinosaurus kill at Rex?

While this might be possible with a smaller organism, it’s unlikely that a Spinosaurus would be able to do that with a dinosaur as robust and muscular as a T. rex. Though the Spinosaurus had an impressive bite force of 2 tons, its teeth would have been too small and dull to grab hold of a T.

What dinosaur can kill a Spinosaurus?

Bellowing in pain, the T. rex groaned out in agony as the Spinosaurus gripped his neck with it’s arms and snapped the rival dinosaur’s neck, killing him instantly.

What was the scariest dinosaur?

Tyrannosaurus rex

The “king of the tyrant lizards” will always be one of the scariest and deadliest dinosaurs around with a bite force three times that of a great white shark – making it the strongest bite force of any land animal that has ever lived.

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Would at Rex eat a human?

Well yes a T-Rex would eat a human you are no different then another dinosaur except brains and the fact you are smaller you would be an easier target and would still taste good because you are meat, and if it was hungry it’s not just gonna leave a perfect meal standing there.

Would a dinosaur eat a human?

rex surely would have been able to eat people. There are fossil bite marks, matching the teeth of T. rex, on the bones of Triceratops and duck-billed dinosaurs such as Edmontosaurus, which were both over 50 times heavier than an average person. But that doesn’t mean we would be hunted to extinction.

Can at Rex kill a Giganotosaurus?

Giganotosaurus was one of, if not the longest predatory dinosaur in history, and has a reputation as a sauropod killer, but quite possibly couldn’t beat a T. rex. See, the Giga’s method of killing their gigantic prey was simply to gather in groups and bite chunks out of them until they either died or the Giga got full.

Who can beat at Rex?

A Tyrannosaurus Rex might be known for its ferocious bite, but now scientists say a caiman that lived eight million years ago, had a bite TWICE as powerful.

What dinosaur can kill a Indominus Rex?

As it is about to kill the Indominus Rex, the Velociraptor “Blue” reappears and attacks it. This enables the Tyrannosaurus to re-engage in battle. As they push the I-Rex to the lagoon, the Mosasaurus bursts out of the water and drags the Indominus Rex to the bottom of the lagoon, killing it once and for all.

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Are dinosaurs bulletproof?

But the point is, that dinosaurs simply weren’t bulletproof. They were large, muscled, lizards that, if thrust into our modern era, could be killed the same as any other modern animal. You don’t need a massive cannon to kill a dinosaur or any other movie monster.

Who was the strongest dinosaur?

A: The strongest was probably the biggest, ultrasauros, who was six-stories high. Or, among meat-eaters, T. rex. Q: In the book The Biggest Dinosaurs by Michael Berenstain, it says that the seismosaurus, found in Mexico, might be larger than the ultrasaurus.

Why does T Rex have small arms?

The precise purpose of T. rex’s relatively tiny arms has long been mysterious. Over the years, scientists have suggested that they might have been used to grasp struggling prey, to help resting dinosaurs push themselves up from the ground, or to grip tight to mates during sex.

What is the scariest thing on earth?

The Universe Is Full Of Scary Things. Here Are The 10 Scariest

  • 3 The Mystery Of The Biggest Black Hole Ever Found.
  • 4 The Triple Galaxy Collision. …
  • 5 The Galaxies Without Dark Matter. …
  • 6 Zombie Stars. …
  • 7 Rogue Black Holes. …
  • 8 The Outcast Supermassive Black Hole. …
  • 9 Galactic Cannibalism. …
  • 10 The Higgs Boson Doomsday. …

17 сент. 2019 г.

Which dinosaur is still alive?

Other than birds, however, there is no scientific evidence that any dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, or Triceratops, are still alive. These, and all other non-avian dinosaurs became extinct at least 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

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What was bigger than at Rex?

Spinosaurus was larger than both T. rex and Giganotosaurus, which was previously the largest carnivorous dinosaur known.

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