Question: What is Neptune’s smallest moon?

Neptune’s Smallest Moon Has a Name (and a Violent Past) A faint and frigid little moon doesn’t have to go by “Neptune XIV” anymore. Astronomers have given a name — “Hippocamp” — to the most recently discovered moon of Neptune, which also formerly went by S/2004 N1.

What is the smallest moon?

Miranda (moon)

Satellite of Uranus
Physical characteristics
Dimensions 480 × 468.4 × 465.8 km
Mean radius 235.8±0.7 km (0.03697 Earths)

What are Neptune’s 3 biggest moons?

Neptune has a total of 14 known moons. The largest moon is Triton which was discovered by William Lassell just seventeen days after Neptune was found. One hundred years later the second moon, Nereid was found.

List of moons.

Order 1
Label Neptune III
Name Naiad
Pronunciation (key) ˈneɪ.əd
Diameter (km) 66 (96 × 60 × 52)

Does Neptune have 13 or 14 moons?

The planet Neptune has 14 known moons, which are named for minor water deities in Greek mythology. … Neptune’s outermost moon Neso, which has an orbital period of about 26 Julian years, orbits further from its planet than any other moon in the Solar System.

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Is Pluto one of Neptune’s moons?

Before the discovery of Charon, it was popular to assume that Pluto was a former moon of Neptune that had somehow escaped its orbit. … Also, the fact that Pluto has a proportionally large moon of its own makes the escape idea implausible.

What planet has the largest moon?

Ganymede. Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system (larger than the planet Mercury), and is the only moon known to have its own internally generated magnetic field.

What is Saturn’s smallest moon called?

Less than 123 miles (198 kilometers) in mean radius, crater-covered Mimas is the smallest and innermost of Saturn’s major moons.

What are the 13 moons of Neptune?

Neptune’s Moons – Neptune has 13 moons, Triton, Nereid, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Larissa, Proteus, and Galatea, plus five smaller, unnamed moons. Triton and Proteus orbit close to Neptune; Nereid is in a distant orbit.

What planet has 4 rings 13 moons?

Neptune has six known rings, and Uranus has 13 known rings. While scientists don’t know for sure how many rings Saturn has, they believe it’s in the region of 500 to 1,000. By contrast, only four rings have been identified around Jupiter.

What is Neptune’s largest moon called?

Triton is the largest of Neptune’s 13 moons. It is unusual because it is the only large moon in our solar system that orbits in the opposite direction of its planet’s rotation―a retrograde orbit.

What planet rains rubies?

Condensation models of HAT-P-7b predict precipitation of Al2O3 (corundum) on the night side of the planet’s atmosphere. The clouds themselves are likely made of up corundum, the mineral which forms rubies and sapphires.

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What is the 14th planet?

Mercury (planet)

Aphelion 0.466697 AU 69,816,900 km
Perihelion 0.307499 AU 46,001,200 km
Semi-major axis 0.387098 AU 57,909,050 km
Eccentricity 0.205630

What are Neptune’s 14 moons?

Each of the moons is named for a mythological Greek water deity. Moving from closest to Neptune to furthest out, their names are Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, S/2004 N1 (which has yet to receive an official name), Proteus, Triton, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe, and Neso.

Is Pluto visible from Earth?

Pluto requires a telescope to be seen. … Throughout 2020, brilliant Jupiter enables us to envision Pluto with the mind’s eye on the sky’s dome. First find Jupiter and – presto – you’ve nearly stumbled upon Pluto. Just remember, Jupiter outshines Pluto by several million times.

Why is Pluto red?

Pluto gets its rusty-red coloring from tholins — tar- or soot-like particles formed when nitrogen and methane break apart in ultraviolet light and recombine in new, complex macromolecules — created high in the planet’s upper atmosphere.

Is Pluto smaller than the moon?

Pluto is smaller than Earth’s moon. … This dwarf planet has five moons. Its largest moon is named Charon (KAIR-ən). Charon is about half the size of Pluto.

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