Question: What 2 States share the longest border?

Find the state that shares the longest land border with any state that has been clicked. The longest border between two US states is Oklahoma-Texas, but neither of these has been clicked. Second is California-Nevada, and California is clicked so that makes Nevada the choice.

Which 2 countries share the longest international border?

Land border: Canada’s border with the United States is the world’s longest international border, at 8,890 km. This compares with the 6,846-km boundary between Russia and Kazakhstan and the 5,308-km frontier between Chile and Argentina.

Which US state has the longest border?

With 1,538 miles (2,475 km), Alaska shares the longest border.

Which two states border the most other states?

States with Most Shared Borders

However, two states in the country share borders with eight other states! This fact is a record in the US as no other state shares so many borders. The two are Tennessee and Missouri; they even share borders with each other.

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What two states share borders?

Indian states that share borders with just two other Indian states:

  • GOA.
  • Delhi (not a complete state though)

Which country has most Neighbours?

China has the maximum number of neighbours touching its border. The 14 countries touching its border are: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal.

Which country has largest boundary?

Length of longest international land borders worldwide (in kilometers)

Length in kilometers
Canada – United States 8,893
Kazakhstan – Russia 7,644
Argentina – Chile 6,691
China – Mongolia 4,630

Which US city is closest to Canada?

Detroit. It is across the river from Canada and slightly north of Windsor, Ontario. Most of the skyline views of Detroit are taken from Canada. Buffalo, is immediately across the river from Fort Erie Ontario.

Which US state is closest to Canada?

US States That Border Canada

Rank State Bordering provinces or territories
1 Alaska Yukon, British Columbia
2 Michigan Ontario
3 Maine Quebec, New Brunswick
4 Minnesota Manitoba, Ontario

Is Canada a US state?

The United States of America has finally acquired the vast territory of Canada and its massive fossil fuel resources.

Which state is the smallest?

Rhode Island

What state is bordered by only one state?

Maine is the northernmost state in New England and the largest, accounting for almost half of the region’s entire land area. Maine is the only state to border exactly one other American state (New Hampshire).

Which state touches the most states in India?

It is bordered by the state of Uttar Pradesh to the east and by Haryana on the northern, western, and southern sides. Option D – The state of Uttar Pradesh touches the maximum number of states in India.

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How many states in India have more than 2 international boundaries?

Indian State with maximum International Borders : 2 Countries. There are 4 Indian states which shares international boundary with 2 countries. In other words there 4 Indian states which has 2 neighbouring countries.

Which state has longest border with China?

Shikha Goyal

State Total Length (in Km)
Jammu and Kashmir 1597
Arunachal Pradesh 1126
Uttarakhand 345
Sikkim 220

Which state touches the most states?

a. Tennessee borders the most states. b. It borders eight other states (Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia).

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