Is London the second biggest French city?

More French people live in London than in Bordeaux, Nantes or Strasbourg and some now regard it as France’s sixth biggest city in terms of population.

What is France’s second largest city?

Marseille is the second largest city in France, covering an area of 241 km2 (93 sq mi) and had a population of 870,018 in 2016.

Is France bigger than London?

London is among the largest metropolitan areas in Europe, as it covers an estimated area of 1,572 square kilometers. … Paris covers an estimated 105 square kilometers, which means London is 15 times larger than Paris. Paris appears to be quite small and not much bigger than London’s central business district.

Is London bigger than Paris?

London covers an area of 600 square miles, while Paris is squeezed into 40 square miles. … When comparing Paris and its attached suburbs with Greater London, the populations are almost the same, 8 million for London vs 7.5 for Paris.

What is France’s 2nd city?

Marseille, France’s second city, is facing its biggest crisis in decades as city-centre residents fear historical buildings that have turned to slums could crumble and fall.

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What are 3 cities in France?

French Cities

  • Paris. Searchable map and information about the city of Paris. …
  • Bordeaux. Searchable map and information about the city of Bordeaux. …
  • Cannes. Searchable map and information about the city of Cannes. …
  • Lille. Searchable map and information about the city of Lille. …
  • Lyon. …
  • Marseille. …
  • Montpellier. …
  • Nantes.

What are 5 cities in France?

5 cities to explore in France

  • Paris.
  • Bordeaux.
  • Marseille.
  • Nantes.
  • Lyon.

Which city is more beautiful London or Paris?

Paris has better parks, well designed and beautiful, and a much better Metro system than London’s Underground. It is architecturally more impressive and more walkable.

What is the dirtiest city in Europe?

Skopje regularly tops the lists of the most polluted cities in Europe, and sometimes the world. In 2018, levels of PM10 – tiny pollutant particles 10 micrometres in size that are harmful to human health – exceeded EU limits for a total of 202 days in the city.

Which city is older London or Paris?

London named in 43 CE by the Romans who founded the square mile as the first City of London. Paris being named as such circa 400 CE after the Romans withdrew from the Celtic and Germanic tribes who occupied France at that time. Paris however has been occupied as a large settlement longer than London.

Is UK richer than France?

France stands at $2.7 trillion, the UK at $2.2 trillion, Italy at $2.1 trillion.

Is Paris or London safer?

London is a pretty safe city, and the areas any tourist is likely to visit are at least as safe as Paris, if not more so. … Having visited Paris on numerous occasions for business and pleasure, and lived and worked there for some time, I can quite categorically say that London is far safer than Paris.

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Is London cleaner than Paris?

London also feels less crowded and you can breathe more easily. It’s also cleaner than Paris. Also, while both cities have very old Metro systems, London’s feels safer less creepy. Paris metro sure loves those long never ending narrow tunnels, holy hell.

What are the 5 most populated cities in France?

The 10 largest cities in France

  1. Paris. Paris is not only the capital of France, but with 2,249,975 people also the most populous city of the country. …
  2. Marseille. Marseille, France’s second largest city with a population of 850,636, is located on the Golfe du Lion, close to the coast. …
  3. Lyon. …
  4. Toulouse. …
  5. Nice. …
  6. Nantes. …
  7. Strasbourg. …
  8. Montpellier.

How dangerous is Marseille?

Having said that, we can’t say that Marseille is a totally safe city where you can walk around everywhere without any risks… Indeed, it is unfortunately well known for its trafficking of all kinds (prostitution, drugs, weapons) and for its high crime rate.

What is the nickname of France?

“The Republic,” the most patriotic term, refers to France by way of its republican constitution. Variation: la République française is the official name of the country and is commonly abbreviated as RF. Vive la République !

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