Best answer: Which country will have the highest population in 2050?

Country Pop 2020 (mil) Pop 2050 (mil)
China 1,439 1,402
India 1,380 1,639
United States 331 379
Indonesia 273 331

What will be the 10 most populated countries in 2050?

Largest Populations by Country in 2050

  • India: 1,659,000,000.
  • China: 1,364,000,000.
  • Nigeria: 411,000,000.
  • United States: 390,000,000.
  • Indonesia: 322,000,000.
  • Pakistan: 307,000,000.
  • Brazil: 233,000,000.
  • Bangladesh: 202,000,000.

29 июн. 2019 г.

Which country will have the highest population by 2100?

By 2100, the global population could surpass 11 billion, according to predictions by the UN. Currently China, India and the USA have the three largest populations in the world, but by 2100, this will have changed to India, Nigeria and China, respectively.

What is the maximum population the Earth can sustain?

The population is expected to reach between 8 and 10.5 billion between the years 2040 and 2050. In 2017, the United Nations increased the medium variant projections to 9.8 billion for 2050 and 11.2 billion for 2100.

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Which country’s population is growing the fastest?

Country Comparison > Population growth rate

Rank Country Population growth rate (%)
1 Syria 4.64
2 Niger 3.66
3 Angola 3.4
4 Benin 3.39

What country has the longest life expectancy?

The Top 10 Highest

Rank Country Men
1 Hong Kong 81.8
2 Japan 81.3
3 Switzerland 81.7
4 Singapore 81.4

What will happen in 2050?

By 2050, the global population is projected to rise to 9.7 billion, which is more than two billion more people to feed than today. … So will the decline of mountain ice, which is a source of meltwater for a quarter of the world’s population.

What will the Earth’s population be in 2100?

United Nations projections

The UN Population Division report of 2019 projects world population to continue growing, although at a steadily decreasing rate, and to reach 10.9 billion in 2100 with a growth rate at that time of close to zero.

Who is the first population country?

World Population

Rank. Country Population Rank. Country. Population
1. China 1,397,897,720 6. Nigeria
2. India 1,339,330,514 7. Brazil
3. United States 330,425,184 8. Bangladesh

What Year Will India pass China in population?

And now, India is on target to overtake China’s total population in 2026, when both countries are expected to be at the 1.46 billion people mark. India’s population could reach 1.28B in 2100.

What year will we run out of food?

According to Professor Cribb, shortages of water, land, and energy combined with the increased demand from population and economic growth, will create a global food shortage around 2050.

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How long will it take for humans to go extinct?

Humanity has a 95% probability of being extinct in 7,800,000 years, according to J. Richard Gott’s formulation of the controversial Doomsday argument, which argues that we have probably already lived through half the duration of human history.

Does Earth have a weight limit?

Practically though: no. The Earth and its crust are very stable.

Which was the richest country in the world?


Rank Country GDP-PPP ($)
1 Qatar 132,886
2 Macao SAR 114,363
3 Luxembourg 108,951
4 Singapore 103,181

Which country has zero population?

Since 1900 the primary features of Sweden’s demographic history are a continuing decline in the birth rate to very low levels — relieved by some upward movement in the 1940s and 1960s — and a marked shift in the migration balance from emigration to immigration.

Which country has the highest rate of natural increase in the world?

Niger is the top country by rate of natural increase in the world. As of 2020, rate of natural increase in Niger was 37.4 persons per thousand population that accounts for 1.63% of the world’s rate of natural increase.

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