Your question: What does 30x mean on Pokemon cards?

What does 20x mean in Pokemon?

20+ Is 20 damage plus 20 damage per energy. 20x is simply. 20 damage per energy.

Is Shadow Lugia GX a real card?

Shadow Lugia (Japanese: ダーク・ルギア Dark Lugia) is a Psychic-type Basic Pokémon card. It was released as a promotional card.

Will Pokémon cards increase in value?

Supply is dwindling and demand is rising. Economics 101 tells us that when demand for an asset outstrips supply, prices rise. Nobody’s making new 1st Edition Pokemon cards and demand is rising at the moment, so it’s reasonable to suggest prices will rise in the short term as well. They’re easy to buy and sell.

See also  Are Pokémon nests still a thing?
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