Your question: Is Garchomp good in Pokemon Unite?

Is Garchomp a good competitive Pokemon?

Thanks to its access to Swords Dance, solid coverage moves, and good Speed and Attack stats, Garchomp is a strong wallbreaker capable of threatening the majority of the tier. … Unfortunately, Garchomp faces competition in its roles.

Is Mega Garchomp better than Garchomp?

Mega Garchomp is not bad. Definitely not as bad as Mega Audino. It’s known to be worse than standard Garchomp. Garchomp is a Sweeper with good attack and decent speed.

Is Garchomp a Jungler?

Garchomp makes for an excellent jungler, able to solo the objective pokemon easily, and can even passively heal off of grouped mobs with his passive lifesteal ability.

What is Garchomp hidden ability?

1. Sand Veil. Rough Skin (hidden ability)

What is the best Moveset for Garchomp in Pokemon unite?

Best Garchomp moves in Pokemon Unite

At the start of the battle, players should use Sand Attack to slow down fleeing enemies, while Bulldozer is good for finishing off groups of neutral wild enemies to secure extra XP. At level 6, players should choose Dragon Rush for their next ability.

What is Gible hidden ability?

1. Sand Veil. Rough Skin (hidden ability)

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