Your question: How do you use evolution stones in Pokémon sword?

What evolves with stones?

Evolution Stones

  • Fire, Water, and Thunder Stones evolve Pokémon of the corresponding Pokémon types, for example Vulpix, Staryu, and Pikachu, respectively.
  • The Moon Stone evolves fairy-like Pokémon, like Clefairy, Nidorino, and Nidorina.
  • Leaf Stones evolve Grass-types, such as Exeggcute and Weepinbell.

When should I use a stone to evolve a Pokémon?

1 Answer. The Evolution level only matters if you are holding off to get a specific moves, which in Eevee’s case probably doesn’t matter that much, unless you want Take Down or Double Edge. Take a look at Eevee’s and Vaporeon’s learset, and see if there’s anything you want to hold off evolving for.

What evolves with a shiny stone?

The Shiny Stone is a dazzling one that evolves a handful of Pokemon including Togetic into Togekiss, Roselia into Roserade, Minccino into Cinccino and Floette into Florges.

What Elemental Stone evolves the most Pokemon?

The Water, Leaf, and Moon Stones evolves the most variety of Pokémon, each tying with six different Pokémon needing them to evolve. There are stones called sunstones and moonstones in real life.

Can you evolve a level 100 Pokémon with a stone?

2 Answers. A Pokemon can evolve at LV 100 if it evolves through an elemental stone(Water Stone, Fire Stone etc..). If it is through LV, then no it cant. For example, you raise a Voltorb to LV 100, but you can’t evolve it anymore no matter what you do.

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Why do stone evolutions learn no moves?

As far as I know there is no official explanation, but the most likely reason is to balance the game. As Evolutionary Stones can be found fairly early in the game which means the player can get final evolution’s just as early, and thus a balance mechanic was implemented to prevent them from breaking the game.

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