Your question: Does Ditto copy stats as well?

Does Ditto copy stat buffs?

The nature of the Ditto doesn’t matter because Imposter copies the stats and stat changes, therefore the nature doesn’t matter. You would indeed speed tie with the Ferrothorn, but most Imposter Ditto’s hold a Choice Scarf, outspeeding the opposing Poke, unless they carry one as well.

Does Ditto copy stats Pokemon sword?

The Mechanics of Transformation

It copies the opponent’s Type, Ability, Moves, and Form. It copies all of the opponent’s stats except HP! This includes buffs.

Does Ditto copy the item?

1 Answer. The reason that happened is because Ditto copies every stat other than HP, so the foe’s Xerneas had more HP.

Does imposter copy stat changes?

Imposter copies the target’s appearance, cry, moves (which all have 5 PP), Ability, stats (except HP), stat changes (but not stat multipliers such as with Choice Specs), weight, and Mega Evolution or form (regardless of held item).

Can Ditto copy Mewtwo?

It’s been well established that Ditto and Mewtwo are both clones of Mew. Usually, Ditto is considered to be a failed attempt, while Mewtwo is what the scientist were aiming for, more or less.

Is Ditto with imposter good?

2 Answers. Imposter allows Ditto to automatically transform into the Pokémon that it is facing. It benefits Ditto, as Ditto no longer needs to waste a turn using transform to turn it’s self into the intended Pokémon.

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Why isn’t Ditto the most powerful Pokémon?

Ditto is a unique slime-like Pokémon, whose only ‘attack’ allows it to transform into its opponent. Although a Ditto who transforms copies its opponent’s stats and moves, its HP remains the same. Lower HP is a huge reason why Ditto can prove to be ineffective in battles.

Does Ditto copy IV?

Since Ditto copies the majority of its foe’s stats, its IVs are only relevant in three cases: determining its HP stat, determining its Hidden Power type, and in the rare mirror matchup.

What is Ditto not copy?

Imposter copies the target’s appearance, cry, moves (which all have 5 PP), Ability, stats (except HP), stat changes (but not stat multipliers such as with Choice Specs), weight, and Mega Evolution or form (regardless of held item). Imposter does not copy its opponent’s IVs (for the purpose of Hidden Power) or gender.

What exactly does Ditto copy?

Ditto will copy the moves, basic values and type of any Pokémon he targets with the Transform ability. Ditto also copies the CP of whatever Pokémon he targets.

Can Ditto copy mega evolutions?

Yes. Ditto can Transform into Mega Evolution’s and maintain the form, regardless of whether it holds the required item (Mega Stone) or not. Ditto will copy a Mega Evolution’s Appearance, Ability, Weight, Type, Stat Changes, Moves and Stats Excluding HP.

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