Your question: Are Pokémon as intelligent as humans?

Are Gardevoirs intelligent?

Gardevoir is one of the strongest in the franchise because of its large move set and interesting stats. It is also very intelligent and is seen as a Pokémon who understands human concepts better than most other creatures in the franchise.

Are animals as intelligent as humans?

Research proves that animals are much smarter than most people realize. Many primates and birds are able to use tools, and plenty of mammals show advanced cognitive abilities. Even tiny insects can solve seemingly complex problems by working together.

What is the stupidest Pokémon?

The 10 Worst-Designed Pokemon Of All Time

  • 3 Stunfisk.
  • 4 Gulpin. …
  • 5 Thievul. …
  • 6 Dunsparce. …
  • 7 Lumineon. …
  • 8 Greedent. …
  • 9 Sigilyph. If any generation gets ire for “bad designs”, it’s Gen 5. …
  • 10 Voltorb. Kanto’s designs are great, but there aren’t too many standouts. …

Can a male Ralts evolve into Gardevoir?

First, you’ll need to evolve your Ralts into Kirlia, but any Kirlia can evolve into Gardevoir so long as you’ve got the requisite 100 candy. … So that’s the first thing you’ll want to get your Gallade: a male Ralts that you can evolve into a male Kirlia.

Is Gardevoir legendary?

Gardevoir (Japanese: サーナイト Sirnight) is a Psychic-type Stage 2 Pokémon card. It is part of the Legendary Treasures expansion.

Gardevoir (Legendary Treasures RC10)

English expansion Legendary Treasures
Japanese card no. 010/020
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