You asked: Why is Pokemon so loved?

Why do people love Pokémon so much?

A major aspect that has caused Pokemon to stay popular is its development into competitive gameplay. While “back in the day” you could battle your friends or play the card game competitively, there weren’t the huge competitions that there are now.

People could relate to wanting to be “the very best” and the concept of such amazing creatures and being friends with them was really cool. It allowed you to connect with the show and it became a big part of people’s childhood. Now Pokémon is a cultural phenomenon.

Is it OK for adults to like Pokemon?

Pokémon: Fun for All Ages

Pokémon is a fun game at any age. Just because it is targeted toward kids doesn’t mean that older people can’t enjoy it. Even if you have already played a few Pokémon games, each generation offers a collection of new Pokémon, improved gameplay, and new features.

Is Pokemon bad for your brain?

Don’t worry, it’s not at all harmful to children or adult brains. This doesn’t just apply to Pokémon. … The researchers tackled these mysteries in a paper published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, which revealed that adults who played Pokémon as children developed a new region for the characters of the game.

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Is Pokemon OK for 7 year old?

The Pokémon are kid-appealing, but the series features lots of fantasy violence, and pits the cute, monster-like characters against each other on behalf of their trainers. There are some positive messages (teamwork, sportsmanship, respecting elders), but it may be too intense for younger children.

On the contrary: While the days of honest-to-Willow stampedes in Central Park at the sight of a Vaporeon might have come and gone, the game remains a sensation. Parent company Niantic, which does not make player statistics or revenue figures public, says that the game has now been downloaded more than 1 billion times.

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