You asked: Why does Pokémon have a weird e?

Why is there an é in Pokémon?

The reason for the accent (which you usually find in pronunciation dictionaries) is because without the accent the word Pokemon would be pronounced poke-mon. The accent on the ‘e’ gives the sound ‘ay’, so that it sounds like Pokay-mon. The accent on the ‘e’ is basically the instruction manual on how to pronounce it.

What is the meaning of é?

É, é (e-acute) is a letter of the Latin alphabet. In English, it is used for loanwords (such as French résumé), romanization (Japanese Pokémon) or occasionally as a pronunciation aid in poetry.

How do you type Pokemon E?

To type the letter “é” on a PC, press and hold the ALT key and type 0233. In Microsoft Word, press CTRL + ‘, followed by the letter “e”.

What is the E in Pokemon?

Presumably, when bringing Pokémon overseas, the translators were concerned that people would read “Pokemon” and think it’s pronounced “poke-mon” with a silent e, like the actual word “poke”. The é simply makes it explicit that the e is pronounced.

Does the E in anime have an accent?

Foreign characters in anime generally don’t speak with accents except very rarely emphasizing different syllables and pronouncing vowels in words that are usually dropped, which is no stranger than the usual local dialect conventions.

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How do I type é on my keyboard?

é: Press Ctrl and type “‘” (apostrophe). Release both keys and type “e”.

Did English ever have accent marks?

The diaeresis mark, the grave accent and the acute accent are the only diacritics native to Modern English, but their usage is considered to be largely archaic.

What is the symbol above the e in Cafe?

They’re also known as diacritics or accents. No matter what you call them or what they look like, diacritical marks are there to show you how a letter sounds when you say it out loud. The word café, for example, includes a diacritical mark that tells you to pronounce that last e as “ay.”

How do you say é?

In French, E is the only letter that can be modified with l‘accent aigu, the acute accent. With the accent, it may be called either e accent aigu or simply é, pronounced [e] (more or less like “ay”).

What is the Alt code for é?


Character ALT Code
á 0225
É 0201
é 0233
Í 0205

How do I type an accent?

You’ll use the Ctrl or Shift key along with the accent key on your keyboard, followed by a quick press of the letter.

Insert Accented Letters with Keyboard Shortcuts.

Symbol Code
á, é, í, ó, ú Ctrl+’ (Apostrophe), the letter
Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú
â, ê, î, ô, û Ctrl+Shift+^ (Caret), the letter
Â, Ê, Î, Ô, Û
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