You asked: What Pokémon has island scan?

What are the island scan Pokemon?

Scanning a QR Code in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon lets you locate the Pokemon in the game, but there is another QR Code feature called Island Scan that lets you find and capture Pokemon that are not part of the Alolan Pokedex.

What can you get from island scan?

Each time you scan in a normal QR code, you’ll receive 10 points for the Island Scan. However, there are special cdes like Magearna which give more points, like 20. Once you reach 100 points, the Pokemon assigned to the current day and the island you’re on will appear in the wild.

Do island scan Pokemon have hidden abilities?

Unfortunately, no Pokemon in Island Scan will ever have their hidden ability. So you can’t get a Protean Greninja without either transferring one yourself or finding a friend who can give you one.

How do I speed up my island scan?

Unfortunately, you are not able to speed up the replenishment speed of your QR scans in any way. From Serebii, you will replenish your scans at a rate of 1 per every 2 hours.

How do I scan QR codes?

Open the camera or the QR reader application on your smartphone. Point your camera at the QR code to scan the QR code. A notification will pop-up on screen. Click on the notification to open the website link.

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