You asked: Are the people in Pokémon vegetarian?

Do people in Pokémon eat meat?

Yes they do. Just like in real world we eat some animal and we keep some as pets. Edible pokemons : Basculin, Slowpoke. Meat is often shown in the anime, but while it has never been directly shown to come from Pokémon, no other food source has yet been explained.

Is Pikachu a vegetarian?

Yes, but Pikachu himself is vegetarian, I believe. Like a mouse. The Pikachu from the anime loves ketchup, though I don’t know Detective Pikachu’s thoughts on ketchup, only that he loves coffee.

Are people in the Pokemon universe vegan?

PETA’s bloody video-game parody is totally over the top, but the parallels between Pikachu and real-world animals aren’t so easy to dismiss. In the Pokémon universe there’s no such thing as PETA, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, but everyone seems to be vegetarian anyway.

Are Pokémon used as food?

Despite the variety of both Pokémon and Pokémon food, nearly every Pokémon will eat any kind of Pokémon food. This may mean that the majority of Pokémon are omnivorous. … Some species have been said to eat other Pokémon, or be eaten by Pokémon and humans alike, forming a food chain.

Who is Ash’s dad?

Prior to Pokemon the Movie: Coco, much of what was known of Ash’s father comes from a short phone call with his mother, Delia Ketchum. According to the second episode of the original Pokemon anime, “Pokemon Emergency!,” Mr. Ketchum set off on a Pokemon training journey of his own.

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Do humans eat plants?

Well … Although many humans choose to eat both plants and meat, earning us the dubious title of “omnivore,” we’re anatomically herbivorous. The good news is that if you want to eat like our ancestors, you still can: Nuts, vegetables, fruit, and legumes are the basis of a healthy vegan lifestyle.

Can humans eat rare candy?

Masuda: You probably could eat a rare candy as a human, but it might not taste very good. It might be kind of like, an example of our world, a human eating dog food. It’s edible, but it probably doesn’t taste very good. You might hurt your stomach by doing so.

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