Why was Pokémon invented?

Why was Pokémon created?

It started simply enough as a hobby of Satoshi Tajiri, who as a child had a fondness for catching insects and tadpoles near his home in suburban Tokyo. Over time, Tajiri decided to put his idea of catching creatures into practice, to give children the same thrills he had as a child.

What was the purpose of Pokémon?

Short for “pocket monsters,” Pokémon exists as a TV show, a trading card game, video games and toys. The Pokémon themselves are creatures that live in the wild or with their owner (as in your kid), referred to as their trainer. The trainer’s goal is to “catch them all” and, by all, we mean all 800+ of them.

What is the story behind Pokémon?

Pokémon is short for “Pocket Monsters”, the original Japanese name. The franchise has its roots in a gaming magazine in the early 1980s in Japan—Game Freak, started by Satoshi Tajiri and Ken Sugimori. … In its time as a developer, Game Freak had its titles published by the likes of even Sony back then.

Is the Pokémon creator autistic?

What many don’t know is that Pokémon creator Satoshi Tajiri is on the autism spectrum. His experience with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) served as motivation to create the Pokémon franchise. He aimed to bring joy to children while cultivating their curiosity.

Does Pokémon exist real life?

Unfortunately, Pokémon aren’t real — at least not yet. But technology has evolved to be able to simulate a world in which Pokémon are real.

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