Why is blissey so good Pokemon go?

Is Blissey good in Pokemon go?

If you are looking for a great defense Pokemon in Pokemon Go, then Blissey is a perfect choice. Although its attack isn’t particularly strong, it definitely has some defense moves that will knock opponents off their feet. Blissey is the perfect Pokémon to store in a gym and earn some extra coins with.

Why is Blissey so good?

Blissey is a very unique mon as we all know – its a special tank with amazing special defense and HP, but then it has 10 base defense which is so low it could get one-shot by anything. But then, despite having next to no physical defense, its obviously a very good special tank and one of, if not the best healer.

Is Blissey better than chansey?

If your team is fast paced, Chansey is a better choice, because it takes hits better in short term, while if your team is more slow and stallish, Blissey is better, as she will be staying a lot in, and thus gaining a lot of Lefties healing, which means that she is going to take hits better in long term.

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Is Blissey good competitively?

Blissey is an amazing defensive Pokemon, sporting the highest HP stat of any Pokemon and a very high special defense. It has an amazing support movepool, including reliable recovery, heal bell, wish and toxic just to name a few.

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Is Blissey still the best gym defender?

One of the bulkiest Pokemon in the game for gym defense, the utility of Blissey as a defender cannot be overstated. … However, it also has absolutely no viability outside of gym defense, which gives infinitely less return on investment than many other top-tier defenders.

How much HP does a Level 100 blissey have?

Blissey’s HP maxes out at 714, when it’s level 100 and has 31 HP IVs and 252 HP EVs.

What is the best item for blissey?

Best Blissey Held Items in Pokemon Unite

Held Item What it Does Max Stat Boosts
Buddy Barrier When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that ‘mon and the nearby ally with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 40% of their max HP. HP + 600

What Pokemon is blissey weak against?

What is the best Pokemon to fight Blissey?

The best Pokemon Go Blissey counters are Shadow Machamp, Lucario, Shadow Hariyama, Conkeldurr, Shadow Alakazam & Shadow Mewtwo.

Why are people using Blissey over Chansey?

In Pokemon Showdown, chansey is and will always be hire than Blissey. The stats with the eviolite are higher because they’re multiplied by 1.5. Making blissey able to eat up non super effective hits like an egg. And any special attack does not penetrate this mon.

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Can Chansey use Eviolite?

Astronomical HP and Special Defense, combined with the ability to use Eviolite, makes Chansey the ultimate wall in OU. Unlike that of its sister Blissey, Chansey’s augmented physical bulk with Eviolite allows it to take powerful physical hits, making it a staple on defensively oriented teams.

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