Why does Team Rocket want Ash’s Pikachu so much?

Why is Ash’s Pikachu so important to Team Rocket?

In Pokémon Live!, which launched in the year 2000 and toured the United States for a year, Giovanni commands Team Rocket to capture Ash’s Pikachu to teach his ultimate Pokémon, MechaMew2, Thunder and Thundershock. Learning these attacks would make MechaMew2 the most powerful Pokémon in the world.

Why does Giovanni want Ash’s Pikachu?

Still, the biggest nuisance is that Giovanni and Team Rocket are consistently after Ash’s Pikachu. The only reason that they’re so fascinated with Pikachu is that Team Rocket is under the impression that Pikachu is abnormally strong due to it getting overcharged via bicycle in the second episode.

Is Ash’s Pikachu level 100?

4 Answers. In the anime there are no “levels” for pokemon, they just improve as they fight more battles and get happier and stronger. If there pokemon in the anime did “level up” Ash’s pikachu would certainly be level 100(+ if possible).

Why does Giovanni keep Jessie and James?

Thus, when James grew up and decided to join Team Rocket, his parents (or someone they paid to watch over James) made a deal with Giovanni to let him in and they would give a month stipend to Team Rocket, part of which would go to James (hence the salary he receives from Team Rocket) and in an afford to make him happy, …

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Is Team Rocket really evil?

The Team Rocket in the anime series are also one of the most relentless villains ever, their main goal is capture Pikachu for their boss and they never succeed, they always get defeated by Ash and his friends and they never give up no matter how many times they get blasted into the air, but on the other hand, Ash never …

Why does Pikachu hate his Pokeball?

It is so because Pikachu doesn’t like to be in it’s Poke ball. It likes to be outside on Ash’s shoulder.. … In Pokemon movie I choose you , when ash asked him that why he didn’t want to go in pokeball then Pikachu answered that he always want to be with him.

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