Why does Pokemon Go Zero attack?

Why would you want 0 attack IVs?

On a special attacker, you want 0 Attack IVs to minimize confusion and Foul Play damage. On a Trick Room team, you generally want your Pokemon to have 0 Speed IVs.

Why do Pokemon have low attacks?

The attack IV being low that does not mean your Pokemon is weak. Every Pokemon already has their base stats, the IVs just increases them. … Getting your Pokemon to reach closest to 1500 is the key and their attack IV will influence whether the Pokemon reaches 1500 CP at level 36 or level 40.

Is attack or HP better in Pokémon go?

In Pokémon go, Attack is valued more highly than Defense and HP, and contributes more to CP. This means attack heavy Pokémon will need to be lower level to stay under 1500 because their CP scales up more quickly.

Is CP better than IV?

A Pokemon’s combat power (CP) is an aggregated statistic that gives a rough idea as to how powerful they are. It is based on IV scores and that Pokemon’s current level. Generally, a Pokemon with higher CP will perform better in battle than one with a lower stat.

Does attack IV matter?

IVs really only matter for short manning raids and getting maybe one additional ball from a raid. Moveset is way more important. I prioritize high level weather boosted mons with the right moves first and then worry about high IVs later.

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Is attack the most important IV?

The higher the IV stat, the better the Pokémon’s Attack, Defence or HP will be. If a stat has an IV ranking of 15 – the maximum possible stat – then the bar will be coloured red. On the other hand, if a stat bar is completely empty, then the IV ranking for that stat is 0.

Can a Pokemon have 0 IVs?

A Pokemon with a 0% Attack IV sounds like it’d be incredibly weak, but IVs are added onto a “base stat” for attack that’s shared with all Pokemon of their type.

Which is better defense or HP?

In general, Defense is probably more important than HP, so if they’re about even and you have to make a judgment call, err on the side of stacking defensive EVs instead of HP EVs. Really, if you’re going for a real wall, get both.

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